I am having a lot of problems with pset5. I have identified more than one issue with the code but I don’t know how to fix the issues. The first is from my hash function, which is featured below and I have put it as its own program for debugging purposes. Basically I have set it up to take a string and calculate a number for 1-26 for each char and if it’s not a word but a punctuation mark it will give a 27. I have also added a lot of printf statements to determine how the program is working and what is going on. So it prints the word after I have inputed it, then it prints the number that each letter(IF) or punctuation mark(ELSE) would be given and finally the actual hash value. The code is below and sample output:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc != 2)
return 1;
char* word = argv[1];
printf("word:%s\n", word);
unsigned int hash = 0;
int n;
for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; i++)
// alphabet case
n = word[i] - 'a' + 1;
printf("IF:%i\n", n);
n = 27;
printf("Else:%i\n", n);
hash = ((hash << 3) + n) % 143091;
printf("%i\n", hash);
If I input the word zoo the output is:
if I input zoo? The output is:
If I input zoo’ The output is;
> ^ C… the ^ C being indicative of me having to exit the program.
My question is why can my program handle any punctuation mark except an apostrophe. Also any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated.
My second issue is an issues with SEG FAULTS and valgrind. So if I run my program I get a SEG FAULT. If I run cs50 check (which I know isn’t the right way to check things but I was curious about the output as I thought, it could help me figure out my issues). It says it doesn’t handle substrings or possessives correctly the latter probably being due to my hash function. When I run valgrind: The output tells me that line 89 is the problem (I have indicated where this is in my program) as I am trying to access 8 bytes of memory that isn’t mine to access.
My second question is what is wrong with what I am trying to do on line 89? I have genuinely tried to fix my program but I have hit a wall and any help at this point would be appreciated. The code for check and load is below.
typedef struct node
char word[LENGTH +1];
struct node *next;
// Global variables to be used throughout program
int wordcount = 0;
int bucket;
node* hashtable[143091];
int hash(const char *word);
bool check(const char *word)
while(cursor!= NULL)
if (strcasecmp( word, cursor -> word)==0)
return 0;
return true;
* Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false.
bool load(const char *dictionary)
FILE *fp=fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "There was no file loaded!\n");
return 2;
//initialize bucket table, where buckets point to NULL
for(int bucket =0; bucket < 143091 ; bucket++)
hashtable[bucket] = NULL;
//Make a new variable to make things less confusing
char dictionary_word[LENGTH +1 ];
//Go through dictionary one word at a time until I hit the end of sile
while(fscanf(fp, "%s", dictionary_word) !=EOF)
strcpy(new_node->word, dictionary_word);
int bucket=hash(new_node -> word);
//empty hashtable
if(hashtable[bucket] == NULL)
hashtable[bucket] = new_node;
new_node->next= NULL;//This is where the program fails on valgrind
//if there is a collision, add a new new_node
new_node ->next=hashtable[bucket];
return true;