in Ceasar, whenever I run check50, I get this error: :( encrypts "a" as "b" using 1 as key \ expected output, but not "plainText:" :( encrypts "barfoo" as "yxocll" using 23 as key \ expected output, but not "plainText:" ... Though I tried each input and got the output correctly !I can't seem to figure out where the problem is, so a little help would be very appreciated! #include #include #include #include #include
int main(int argc, string argv[]){
int key=atoi(argv[1]) ; //turn key into integer
int alphaLetter,i;
int ciphered[30]; //the ciphered text
if(argc!=2 || key<0){
printf("make sure you entered a positive key number, and only 2 command
line arguments!");
return 1;
else {
printf("plainText: "); //prompt for plain text
string plainText= get_string();
if (isalpha(plainText[i])){
alphaLetter= plainText[i]-65; //convert ASCII to Alpha
ciphered[i]= (alphaLetter + key)%26; //ceaser
ciphered[i]=ciphered[i] +65; // convert Alpha back to ASCII
alphaLetter= plainText[i]-97; //convert ASCII to Alpha
ciphered[i]= (alphaLetter + key)%26; //ceaser
ciphered[i]=ciphered[i] +97; // convert Alpha back to ASCI
ciphered[i]=plainText[i]; //if the input isn't a letter "!, etc", print it as it is
printf("%c", ciphered[i]);
return 0;