My code for pset5 works reasonably well, it passes check50 and isn't orders of magnitude slower than the staff solution, but I'm just wondering where I am losing time. I'm running my code on the large dictionary, checking austinpowers text file.
I've tried playing about with HSIZE (number of buckets) and a value of about 10000 seems to produce the best results with the large dictionary, these are my benchmarks:
TIME IN load: 0.03
TIME IN check: 0.07
TIME IN size: 0.02
TIME IN unload: 0.02
The staff solution seems to be making up a lot of time in check, but i'm also losing time in size and unload. I know my hash function isn't the best, so I was thinking maybe it's not assigning to buckets uniformly?
Any advice would be appreciated, be as critical as you want!
#include "dictionary.h"
//store the bucket location
node *hashtable[HSIZE] = {NULL};
FILE *dp = NULL;
//Returns true if word is in dictionary else false.
bool check(const char *word)
//for the word in the text file, find our what bucket it would be in
node *cursor = hashtable[hash(word)];
//traverse the linked list, comparing the word from the text file and the word in each node, if we hit a null pointer
//and the function hasnt returned true, then we know the word isn't in the dictionary, so leave loop and return false
while(cursor != NULL)
if(strcasecmp(word, cursor->word) == 0)
return true;
cursor = cursor->next;
return false;
//Loads dictionary into memory. Returns true if successful else false.
bool load(const char *dictionary)
//open the dictionary
dp = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (dp == NULL)
return false;
//load each word in to the dictionary
char dword[LENGTH+1];
unsigned int hf = 0;
while (fscanf(dp, "%s", dword) != EOF)
//create a new node
node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (new_node == NULL)
return false;
//copy word in to new node
//hash the word
hf = hash(dword);
//insert node in to the beginning of the buckets linked list
new_node->next = hashtable[hf];
hashtable[hf] = new_node;
return true;
//Returns number of words in dictionary if loaded else 0 if not yet loaded.
unsigned int size(void)
if(dp == NULL)
return 0;
//move file pointer to beginning of file
fseek(dp, 0, SEEK_SET);
unsigned int size = 0;
//count the number of newlines, will return the size of the dictionary
for (int c = fgetc(dp); c != EOF; c = fgetc(dp))
if (c == '\n')
return size;
//Unloads dictionary from memory. Returns true if successful
bool unload(void)
for(int i = 0; i<HSIZE; ++i)
//assign cursor to head of each list
node *cursor = hashtable[i];
//traverse the list, freeing memory as cursor moves along, until reach null pointer
while(cursor != NULL)
node *temp = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
return true;
//hash function
unsigned int hash(const char *hword)
//hash the word, add up the asci values and mod by the hash table size
unsigned int h = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<strlen(hword); ++i)
h += toupper(hword[i]);
//mod the sum of asci values by the hash table size
h = h % HSIZE;
return h;