I'm stuck on the vigenere assignment. I think I have some parentheses in the wrong place but it might be something else aswell. Can someone give me a hint? Thanks a lot! https://pastebin.com/yMbCysNA
#import <stdio.h>
#import <cs50.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main (int argc, string argv[])
int i;
//checking if te input has 2 arguments
if (argc != 2 ) { printf("try to use 2 arguments\n"); return 1;
//convert argv to string "key"
string key = argv[1];
if (argc == 2)
//plaintext input
string text = get_string("Enter plaintext: ");
printf("ciphertext: ");
// print out the plaintext letter by letter
for (int i =0, n = strlen(text); i < n ; i++)
// here is where I struggle, the sub script to wraparound the key only if its an alphabetic character.
if isalpha(text[i]) {
for (int keyindex = 0, nk = strlen(key); keyindex < nk; keyindex++)
keyindex % nk;
// convert the plaintext to ciphertext
if islower(text[i])
printf("%c", (((text[i] + key[keyindex]) - 97) % 26) + 97);
else if isupper(text[i])
printf("%c", (((text[i] + key[keyindex]) - 65) % 26) + 65);
else printf("%c",text[i]);