I am attempting the cash exercise (less comfortable) on pset1. I've created four different while loops to help count how many coins change there should be. I tried the program out with just the first while loop and it did work, however, when I have added the other while loops in I get a very large number of coins given for change. Here is my code to help explain what I mean as I must have done something wrong:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
int main(void)
float dollars;
do {
dollars = get_float("How many dollars: ");
while (dollars < 0);
float cents;
cents = dollars * 100;
float quarter = 0.25;
float dime = 0.10;
float nickel = 0.05;
float cent = 0.01;
int count;
while (cents > quarter)
cents = cents - 25;
count = count + 1;
while (cents > dime)
cents = cents - 10;
count = count + 1;
while (cents > nickel)
cents = cents - 5;
count = count + 1;
while (cents > cent)
cents = cents - 1;
count = count + 1;
printf ("Number of coins change is %i\n", count);
All of the tests I have done have come out with a large number of coins. I thought this would be because the 'cents' variable was reset after every while loop, but even when I give an input of $0.02 it still gives me an answer of 4327809 coins in change.
Could someone please help me find the bugs in my code? Or am I going about this problem set completely wrong? Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks, Dan