I keep looking my code and connot identify what is going on. I open 22 pictures, but none of them are good. It doesn't even write in the entire picture, some of them just a part of the picture is written. The very first row seems to be a little more visible but it is hard to tell.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) //Check if user enter the file { printf("Usage: ./recover image\n"); }

// Opening file suer entered

FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
 if (file == NULL)
     printf("File could not be opened");
     return 1;

uint8_t block[512]; //Buffer to read each block
char newfile[8]; //name of new jpeg
int fn = 0;  //nuber to name each jpeg
FILE *filejpg = NULL; //new jpg as a file

while (fread(block, 512, 1, file) == 1)
    fread(block, 512, 1, file);  //reading the file

    if (block[0] == 0xff && block[1] == 0xd8 && block[2] == 0xff && ((block[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0))   //check to see if the block contains the header of jpeg
        if (fn == 0)
            sprintf(newfile, "%03i.jpg", fn); //naming the new file
            fn ++; //increase the name for the next file

            filejpg = fopen(newfile, "w");  //Opening the file to write
            fwrite(block, 512, 1, filejpg);  //Writing the data to the file
            fclose(filejpg); //closing last image
            sprintf(newfile, "%03i.jpg", fn);

            filejpg = fopen(newfile, "w");
            fwrite(block, 512, 1, filejpg);
    else if (fn > 0)  //writing on image one block at a time until new jpg is found.
        fwrite(block, 512, 1, filejpg);
}// end while loop


return 0;

}//end of function

1 Answer 1


Is there a reason that you want to do two consecutive reads and throw one of them away?

while (fread(block, 512, 1, file) == 1)
    fread(block, 512, 1, file);  //reading the file

This is a very common error. For full details, please read one of the other answers for similar questions.

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