So I understand I have a math error in this code. I assume it is a rounding error which I will eventually get to. In either case, many times I do return the correct grade level but the check50 function is telling me my answer is still wrong. Here is a link to the check50 output.
Here is a link to the code:
disregard the commented out printf functions. I was trying to zero in on some problems.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
float L (int a, int b); //calculates letters per words
float S (int x, int y); //calculates words per sentence
int main (void)
int letters = 0;
int words = 0;
int sent = 0;
float index = 0;
string t = get_string("Enter a line of text for grading: ");
for(int i=0; i<strlen(t); i++)
if(t[i]!=32 && t[i]!=33 && t[i]!=46 && t[i]!=63) //discounts characters that are not letters
if(t[i]==32|| t[i]==33 || t[i]==46 || t[i]==63) //determines how to count words by looking for punctuiation and spaces
if (t[i]==33 || t[i]==46 || t[i]==63)// looks for sentences by finding punctiuation
if (t[i]==32 && (t[i-1]==32 || t[i-1]==33 || t[i-1]==46 || t[i-1]==63)) //corrects for two spaces after punctuation
index = .0588*L(letters, words)-.296*S(words, sent)-15.8; //index formula
if(index<1) //output loops
printf("Before Grade 1 \n");
if (index>1 && index < 16.5)
printf("Grade %.0f \n", index);
if (index>=16.5)
printf("Grade 16+ \n");
//printf ("index number: %.3f \n", index);
// printf ("L: %.2f \n", L(letters, words));
//printf ("S: %.2f \n", S(words, sent));
//printf ("letters: %i \n",letters);
//printf ("words: %i \n", words);
//printf ("sentences: %i \n", sent);
float L (int a, int b)
return (a * 100)/b;
float S (int x, int y)
return (y*100)/x;
Can someone help me out?
Thanks in advance.