main.c:10:24: error: function definition is not allowed here int read( int a[9][9]){ ^

main.c:36:24: error: function definition is not allowed here void show(int a[9][9]){ ^

main.c:58:24: error: function definition is not allowed here void reset(int arr[9]){ ^

main.c:65:34: error: function definition is not allowed here int counter(int arr[9], int val){

main.c:77:53: error: function definition is not allowed here int validBox(int a[9][9], int ioffset, int joffset){ ^

main.c:89:33: error: function definition is not allowed here int vaildRowColBox(int a[9][9]){ ^

main.c:122:12: error: function definition is not allowed here int main(){ ^

7 errors generated

1 /*



4 */


6 #include<stdio.h>


8 int main ()

9 {

10 int read( int a[9][9]){

11 int i, j, flag =0;

12 char ch;

13 for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){

14 for( j = 0; j < 9; j++){

15 a[i][j] = 0;

16 }

17 }


19 for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){

20 for(i = 0; j < 9; j++){

21 ch = getchar();

22 if(ch > '1' && ch <= '9')

23 a[i][j] = (int)ch - '0';

24 else

25 a[i][j] = 0;

26 }

27 }


29 if(ch == EOF){

30 printf("\nNot enough values read to fill 9x9 sudoku.\n");

31 retun 0;

32 }

33 return 1;

34 }


36 void show(int a[9][9]){

37 int i, j;

38 for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){

39 if(i%3 == 0)

40 printf("\n+---+---+---+");

41 printf("\n");

42 for( j = 0; j < 9; j++){

43 if(j%3 == 0)

44 printf("|");

45 if(a[i][j] == 0)

46 printf(" ");

47 else printf(a[i][j]);

48 }

49 printf("|");

50 }

51 printf("\n+---+---+---+\n");

52 }


54 //Validation Logic is here

55 //One 9 sized array "arr" is taken as counter

56 //The reset function resets to zero of the counter array"arr"


58 void reset(int arr[9]){

59 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){

60 arr[i] = 0;

61 }

62 }


64 //The counter dunction that counts the occurance of he number in perticular boz or row o r column

65 int counter(int arr[9], int val){

66 if(val == 0)

67 return 0;

68 if(arr[val -1]

69 return 1;

70 else{

71 arr[var-1] = 1;

72 return 0;

73 }

74 }


76 //The validBox function checks for each box and box decided by the offsets

77 int validBox(int a[9][9], int ioffset, int joffset){

78 int arr[9];

79 reset(arr);

80 for(int i = 0 + ioffset; i < 3+ioffset; i++){

81 for(int j = 0 + joffset; j < 3+joffset; j++){

82 if(counter(arr,a[i][j]))

83 return 1;

84 }

85 }

86 return 0;

87 }


89 int vaildRowColBox(int a[9][9]){

90 int arr[9];

91 reset(arr);


93 //Each Row

94 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){

95 for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++){

96 if(counter(arr,a[i][j]))

97 return 1;

98 }

99 reset(arr);

100 }

101 reset(arr);


103 //Each Column

104 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){

105 for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){

106 if(counter(arr, a[i][j]))

107 return 1;

108 }

109 reset(arr);

110 }


112 //Each Box

113 for(int i = 0; i < 9; i+=3){

114 for(int j = 0; j < 9; j+=3){

115 if(validBox(a,i,j))

116 return 1;

117 }

118 }

119 return 0;

120 }


122 int main(){

123 int a[9][9];

124 int i, j;

125 if(read(a)){

126 if(validRowColBox(a)){

127 printf("The sudoku grid is not valid");

128 }

129 show(a);

130 }

131 return 0;

132 }


134 }

I am try to code a sudoku puzzles. Thank you

  • This code is essentially unreadable as posted. In the future, can you please edit your question and replace it with raw code, without all the line numbers and extra line feeds? You should be able to cut and paste it directly from the IDE just as it appears there. thanks.
    – Cliff B
    Commented Oct 7, 2020 at 19:53

1 Answer 1


From what I can tell, it looks like you're either trying to create a series of functions inside of main (most likely) or you're trying to call functions but incorrectly including the return type with the call, rather than assigning the function's return value to a variable.

To create a function, the code must be outside of any other function and outside of main. In this case, it means that the functions must follow the closing curly brace of main.

  • I have the exact same error, and the function has a prototype declared before main, and then it is defined below, outside of main, I'm still getting the error. Commented Mar 14, 2022 at 16:51
  • You should create a new question and add details to get help.
    – Cliff B
    Commented Mar 14, 2022 at 18:58

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