I am confuse with this one: The program doesn´t return any error when I run it and if I go to the students table the names are there, but check50 says it imports "[]". Am I at least close to make this?

from sys import exit, argv

from cs50 import SQL import csv import cs50

if len(argv) != 2:

print("missing command-line argument")

db = SQL("sqlite:///students.db")

with open("characters.csv", "r") as characters: reader = csv.DictReader(characters)

for row in reader:
    name = row["name"]
    house = row["house"]
    birth = int(row["birth"])
    part = name.split()

    if len(part) == 2:
        first = part[0]
        middle = None
        last = part[1]
        db.execute("INSERT INTO students (first, middle, last, house, birth) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",first, middle, last, house, birth)

    elif len(part) == 3:
        first = part[0]
        middle = part[1]
        last = part[2]
        db.execute("INSERT INTO students (first, middle, last, house, birth) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",first, middle, last, house, birth)

This is what check 50 says:

enter image description here

Thank you so much for your time!

1 Answer 1


This with open("characters.csv", "r") is a problem. Why take an argument and not use it? Don't hard code the file name.

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