I'm getting a segmentation fault when running this. Valgrind reports no errors, but a leak of 1,080 bytes at two blocks, with 5 allocs and only 3 free'd. Below is my load function and below that are my unload and free_node (that I have created to use recursively) functions. I have only filled these functions so far but I guess that shouldn't really matter.
I am using the small dictionary for the time being and a simple hash table (of size 26). Running the program with cat.txt for testing.
Load function:
// Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool load(const char *dictionary)
// Open dictionary to read from and check if valid
FILE *dict = fopen(dictionary, "r");
if (dict == NULL)
printf("Cannot read file...\n");
return false;
// Create variable buffer
char buffer;
// Allocate memory to identified word as node and check if memory is available
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n == NULL)
printf("insufficient memory ...\n");
return false;
n->next = NULL;
// Create variable for array counter
int count = 0;
// Create variable for hash key
int hash = 0;
// Read dictionary character by character
while (fread(&buffer, sizeof(char), 1, dict))
// Identify words in dictionary
if (buffer != '\n')
// Populate dictword with buffer characters until new line is reached
n->word[count] = toupper(buffer);
// Hash identified word
hash = n->word[0] - 65;
// Link node in hash table
n->next = table[hash];
table[hash] = n;
// Reset array count when new line is reached
count = 0;
// Close dictionary
return true;
Unload and free_node functions
// Unloads dictionary from memory, returning true if successful, else false
bool unload(void)
// Iterate through each element of hash table
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
node *tmp = table[i];
return true;
void free_node(node *tmp)
if (tmp == NULL)
Ran debug50 a few times with breakpoints in all three functions. The program seems to be looping in the free_node function when checking for nodes at table[2] (i.e. at letter c) which is linked to two nodes (cat and catterpillar). It keeps on calling free(tmp->next) ad infinitum causing a stack overflow.
Thank you for your help!