My program for CS50 works fine when i run it manually, but the Check50 is saying ":( Little Professor generates 10 problems before exiting timed out while waiting for program to exit" Im not sure how to fix this problem since I dont get the same issue when I run it manually.

Code pasted below:

import random
import sys

def main():
    l = int(get_level())
    #problem counter
    problem = 0
    # number of questions incorrect
    incorrect = 0
    while problem < 10:
        x = generate_integer(l)
        y = generate_integer(l)
        tries = 0
        while tries < 3:
            print(x, "+", y, "= ", end="")
                guess = int(input(""))
            except ValueError:
                tries += 1
            #if answer is correct
            if guess == (x + y):
                #finished problem
                problem +=1
            #if answer is incorrect
                tries += 1
        #if user runs out of tries
        if tries == 3:
            print(x, "+", y, "=", end="")
            print(x + y)
            problem += 1
            incorrect += 1
    #once problem counter hits 10 i.e is on the 11th question, should terminate
    if problem ==10:     
        correct = 10 - int(incorrect)
        print("Score: ",correct, sep="")

def get_level():
    #loop to obtain level, only accepts 1,2,3
    while True:
            l = int(input("Input:"))
            if l in (1, 2, 3):
                return l
        except ValueError:

def generate_integer(l):
    if l == 1:
        range_start = 0
        range_end = 9
    if l == 2:
        range_start = 10
        range_end = 99
    if l == 3:
        range_start = 100
        range_end = 999

    return random.randrange(range_start, range_end)

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 Answer 1


Did you ever get a solution to this? Struggling with this problem myself

Edit: I changed random.randrange() to random.randint() and for some reason that fixed it for me. I have absolutely no idea why, it seemed to work exactly the same on my end either way.

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