All of the first 49 images get recovered fine except the last one. I have went through the code a lot, but still can't find the problem.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define true 1
#define false 0
int EndFinder(FILE *file);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// checks if there are two CLAs
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: ./recover IMAGE\n");
return 1;
// opens the forensic image
FILE *raw = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (raw == NULL)
printf("Error: Can't find or open the file.\n");
return 1;
// counts the recovered images from 0
int picCount = -1;
// array of 50 file pointers for recovered images or outputs
FILE *rcvrd[51];
uint8_t buffer[512];
// iterates through the whole file
while (1)
// reads a 512 B block
fread(buffer, 512, 1, raw);
// breaks the loop if it's the end of file
if (feof(raw))
// moves to the next block if it doesn't find a signature in the current one ...
if (buffer[0] != 0xff || buffer[1] != 0xd8 || buffer[2] != 0xff || buffer[3] < 0xe0 || buffer[3] > 0xef)
} // ... else if it finds the signature, it writes the recovered image into a new file and adds to picCount
// prompts the EndFinder for the block length of the current image
int blockLength = EndFinder(raw);
// creates a string in accordance with the specification for the name of the recovered image
char name[8];
if (picCount < 10)
sprintf(name, "00%d.jpg", picCount);
sprintf(name, "0%d.jpg", picCount);
// creates a file to store the image or output in
rcvrd[picCount] = fopen(name, "w");
// writes the first block into the output
fwrite(buffer, 512, 1, rcvrd[picCount]);
// if there is more than one block reads them into a buffer and writes them into the output
for (int i = 1; i < blockLength; i++)
fread(buffer, 512, 1, raw);
fwrite(buffer, 512, 1, rcvrd[picCount]);
// finds the block length of a recovered image
int EndFinder(FILE *file)
// var for the block length of the image
int length = 1;
// buffer for block that are goona be checked for signatures
uint8_t buffy[512];
// count the block length
while (1)
// if it's end of file, go back the amount you came by and return the block length of the last image
if (feof(file))
fseek(file, (long)-512 * length, SEEK_END);
return length;
// read the block into buffy
fread(buffy, 512, 1, file);
// increase the length if not found the signature in this block
if (buffy[0] != 0xff || buffy[1] != 0xd8 || buffy[2] != 0xff || buffy[3] < 0xe0 || buffy[3] > 0xef)
} // if found the signature, go back the amount you came by and return the length
fseek(file, (long)-512 * length, SEEK_CUR);
return length;