Just wondering if anyone can explain why we are concerned with memory leak in the heap (freeing for example a char *), but we are not concerned with freeing variables that are in the stack in the main function.
2 Answers
void functionA();
void functionB();
int main()
int a = 10; // there are now 4 bytes (assuming 32 bit!) of memory in use on the stack
int b = 10; // there are now 8 bytes of memory in use on the stack
functionA(); // scroll down to follow
* The bytes allocated on the stack in functionA where automatically released when the
* function completed. However, we allocated 4 bytes on the heap that we didn't free.
* Current status is Stack: 8 Heap: 4
functionB(); // scroll down to follow
* Again, the bytes allocated on the stack in functionB were automatically released
* Current status is Stack: 8 Heap: 4
return 0;
* main() has just completed. The 8 bytes on the stack are automatically released.
void functionA()
int c = 10; // there are now 12 bytes of memory in use on the stack
int* d = malloc(sizeof(int));
/* there are now 20 bytes in use on the stack
* pointers are 8 bytes, at least on my system
* in addition, there are 4 bytes of memory now in use on the **heap**
* there are now 8 bytes of memory in use on the stack
* return isn't necessary to call from a void function, I'm just showing what
* happens when the function completes. Follow back up to main
void functionB()
int* d = malloc(sizeof(int));
* there are now 16 bytes of memory in use on the stack
* and 8 bytes on the heap with this new malloc call
/* this released the memory reserved on the heap by d, so we're down to 4 bytes
* on the heap, still 16 on the stack
* again, just for illustration. Now we are back down to 8 bytes on the stack
* and 4 on the heap. Follow back up to main
But what about those 4 bytes that were left on the heap?
When is stack space allocated? When is it actually returned to the OS?
Ok. Thanks for the explanation! This is what I thought was happening. This means that using variables unnecessarily in main would have the same negative effect in terms of memory allocation as not freeing a char* because they are never released until the end of the program. Commented Nov 22, 2014 at 8:46
The stack goes off when the function exits, destroying all its local variables with it. That's why you can't leak memory in the stack. e.g.,
void func(void)
char* s = malloc(256);
char t[256];
When the function exits, s, t, and the memory t points to will be taken off the stack, returning its ownership to the OS. So, you can't leak memory. However, the memory gained by malloc remains, without any access as t was destroyed. So you have a leak of 256 bytes, not 512 bytes.