having some issue with check50 on the vigenere pset. I seem to have the program working correctly, but the check50 output does not correlate with what I am seeing in terminal.
I have researched the current questions about the trailing printf("\n"); on output and can confirm this isn't the issue (although the sandbox report seems to imply it in some of its tests). It seems the output when compiled and run by check50 is completely different to the one I am seeing. Evidence in screenshot:
Sandbox Report Link: https://sandbox.cs50.net/checks/c93f24e075f44649987c82d93ecda7d6
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Happy to post some code if it would help someone decipher what is happening here.
I realise I still would fail the last test, as I handle it rather foolishly, I'll add an isdigit check now.
Thanks in advance.
char buf[strlen(argv[1])];
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++)
buf[i] = argv[1][i];
[mod edit to remove all but necessary code]