Well I decided to make the credit.c
program, and I did, I started debugging and so until it compiled. But it always outputs INVALID and I can´t find out why, so this is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (void)
//Initialize a longlong that will hold our creditcard number.
long long creditcardnumber;
//Ask the user for the creditcard number, and make sure it is positive.
printf("Insert your creditcard number, please\n");
printf("Just digits, thanks\n");
creditcardnumber = GetLongLong();
while (creditcardnumber < 0);
//We know the heighst number possible for any creditcard, if the input number of
//bigger than the max range, we know this number is invalid
if (creditcardnumber > 5599999999999999)
//Start counting the digits, with a loop.
int digitscount = 0;
while (creditcardnumber > 1)
creditcardnumber = creditcardnumber/10;
//We know the length companies use, so if it is too short or too long, we
//know the number is invalid.
if ((digitscount != 15) && (digitscount != 16) && (digitscount != 13))
//We initialize an array and with modulo we put each number in the right
int number[digitscount];
for (int i = digitscount; i > 0; i--)
number[i] = creditcardnumber % 10;
creditcardnumber = creditcardnumber / 10;
//We made 2 arrays out of 1, so that we can leave 1 array with the original
//number and the other will have the second-to-last digits multiplied by two
int realnumber[digitscount];
for (int i = 1; i < digitscount; i++)
realnumber[i] = number[i];
int multipliednumber[digitscount];
for (int i = 1; i < digitscount; i+=2)
multipliednumber[i] = number[i] * 2;
multipliednumber[2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16] = number[2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16] * 2;
//We need to sum the digits and not the products, so we substract 10 from
//all the numbers that are greater than 10 and count how many times we do this
//to represent the ones, that would be left.
int tenscount = 0;
if (multipliednumber[2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16] >= 10)
multipliednumber[2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16] = multipliednumber[2|4|6|8|10|12|14|16] - 10;
//We sum the multiplied digits + the tenscount
int multiplieddigitssum = multipliednumber[2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16] + tenscount;
int sumdigitstotal = multiplieddigitssum + realnumber[1+3+5+79+11+13+15];
if (sumdigitstotal % 10 == 0)
if (digitscount == 15 && (realnumber[1] == 3) && (realnumber[2] == 4|realnumber[2] == 7))
if (digitscount == 16 && (realnumber[1] == 5) && (realnumber[2] == 1 |realnumber[2] == 2|realnumber[2] == 3|realnumber[2] == 4|realnumber[2] == 5))
if ((digitscount == 13|digitscount == 16) && (realnumber[1] == 4))
return 0;
Thanks in advance