I'm having a compiling issue with my code and I can not figure it out. It is saying that my variables are not initialized in a few areas. Can someone help me figure out why this may be? I've tried writing it several other ways but I must be missing something. Thank you in advance.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
int pennies;
int quarters;
int nickels;
int dimes;
int total;
int coins;
int change;
printf("How much change is owed?: ")
scanf("%i", &change);
coins = round(change * 100);
while (coins >=25) {
coins = coins - 25; quarters++; total++;
while (coins >=10) {
coins = coins - 10; dimes++; total++;
while (coins >=5) {
coins = coins - 5; nickels++; total++;
while (coins >=1) {
coins = coins - 1; pennies++; total++;
while (coins !=0); {
printf("quarters: %i \n dimes: %i \n nickels: %i \n pennies: %i \n total: %i \n");
return 0;