I can't for the life of me figure out why my scoreboard won't appear in the middle of the screen. I checked out the question @Agata S. posted (link below) but it didn't help me resolve my code's bug. Can anyone offer advice?

Pset3 (breakout) -- problems initiating score label

// breakout.c
// Computer Science 50
// Problem Set 3

// standard libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

// Stanford Portable Library
#include <spl/gevents.h>
#include <spl/gobjects.h>
#include <spl/gwindow.h>

// height and width of paddle
#define pHeight 8
#define pWidth 50

// height and width of game's window in pixels
#define HEIGHT 500
#define WIDTH 400

// number of rows of bricks
#define ROWS 5

// number of columns of bricks
#define COLS 10

// radius of ball in pixels
#define RADIUS 10

// lives
#define LIVES 3

// prototypes
void initBricks(GWindow window);
GOval initBall(GWindow window);
GRect initPaddle(GWindow window);
GLabel initScoreboard(GWindow window);
void updateScoreboard(GWindow window, GLabel label, int points);
GObject detectCollision(GWindow window, GOval ball);

int main(void)
    // seed pseudorandom number generator

    // instantiate window
    GWindow window = newGWindow(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // instantiate bricks

    // instantiate ball, centered in middle of window
    GOval ball = initBall(window);

    // instantiate paddle, centered at bottom of window
    GRect paddle = initPaddle(window);

    // instantiate scoreboard, centered in middle of window, just above ball
    GLabel label = initScoreboard(window);

    // number of bricks initially
    int bricks = COLS * ROWS;

    // number of lives initially
    int lives = LIVES;

    // number of points initially
    int points = 0;

    // initiate velocity vectors
    double dx = 2.0;
    double dy = 1.0;

    // keep playing until game over        

        while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0)
            move (ball, dx, dy);
            pause (20);

            GEvent event = getNextEvent(MOUSE_EVENT);
            if (event!=NULL)
                if (getEventType(event)==MOUSE_MOVED)
                    double px = (getX(event) - (pWidth/2));
                    double py = HEIGHT - pHeight;

            GObject object = detectCollision(window, ball);
            if (object != NULL)
                dy = -dy;
                if (object != paddle)
                    bricks = bricks-1;
                    points = points+100;
                    removeGWindow(window, object);

            if ((getX(ball)+getWidth(ball))>=WIDTH)
                dx = -dx;
            if (getX(ball)<=0)
                dx = -dx;
            if (getY(ball)<=0)
                dy = -dy;
            if ((getY(ball)+getWidth(ball))>=HEIGHT)
                lives = lives-1;
                points = points + 100;
                updateScoreboard(window, label, points);
                removeGWindow(window, ball);
                ball = initBall(window);

    // wait for click before exiting

    // game over
    return 0;

 * Initializes window with a grid of bricks.
void initBricks(GWindow window)
    for (int c=0; c<COLS; c++)
        for (int r=0; r<ROWS; r++)
            int bw = (WIDTH/10)-6;
            int bh = 10;
            GRect brick = newGRect((7+ c*(5+bw)),(7+ r*(bh+5)+5), bw, bh);
            setFilled(brick, true);
            if (r==0)
                setColor(brick, "RED");
            if (r==1)
                setColor(brick, "ORANGE");
            if (r==2)
                setColor(brick, "YELLOW");
            if (r==3)
                setColor(brick, "GREEN");
            if (r==4)
                setColor(brick, "BLUE");
            add(window, brick);
 * Instantiates ball in center of window.  Returns ball.
GOval initBall(GWindow window)
    GOval ball = newGOval((WIDTH/2)-RADIUS, (HEIGHT/2)-RADIUS, (2*RADIUS), (2*RADIUS));
    setFilled(ball, true);
    setColor(ball, "BLACK");
    add(window, ball);
    return ball;

 * Instantiates paddle in bottom-middle of window.
GRect initPaddle(GWindow window)
    GRect paddle = newGRect(((WIDTH-pWidth)/2), (HEIGHT - pHeight), pWidth, pHeight);
    setFilled(paddle, true);
    setColor(paddle, "ORANGE");
    add (window, paddle);
    return paddle;

 * Instantiates, configures, and returns label for scoreboard.
GLabel initScoreboard(GWindow window)
    int x = WIDTH/2;
    int y = HEIGHT/2;
    GLabel label = newGLabel("0");
    setColor(label, "BLACK");
    add(window, label);
    setLocation(label, x, y );
    return label;
 * Updates scoreboard's label, keeping it centered in window.
void updateScoreboard(GWindow window, GLabel label, int points)
    // update label
    char s[12];
    sprintf(s, "%i", points);
    setLabel(label, s);

    // center label in window
    double x = (getWidth(window) - getWidth(label)) / 2;
    double y = (getHeight(window) - getHeight(label)) / 2;
    setLocation(label, x, y);

 * Detects whether ball has collided with some object in window
 * by checking the four corners of its bounding box (which are
 * outside the ball's GOval, and so the ball can't collide with
 * itself).  Returns object if so, else NULL.
GObject detectCollision(GWindow window, GOval ball)
    // ball's location
    double x = getX(ball);
    double y = getY(ball);

    // for checking for collisions
    GObject object;

    // check for collision at ball's top-left corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y);
    if (object != NULL)
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's top-right corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y);
    if (object != NULL)
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-left corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x, y + 2 * RADIUS);
    if (object != NULL)
        return object;

    // check for collision at ball's bottom-right corner
    object = getGObjectAt(window, x + 2 * RADIUS, y + 2 * RADIUS);
    if (object != NULL)
        return object;

    // no collision
    return NULL;
  • 1
    Try reversing these two lines: add(window, label); setLocation(label, x, y );
    – Irene
    Commented Nov 8, 2015 at 2:19

1 Answer 1


Irene is right to suggest what she did, but that's not your problem. Your code is detecting a collision between the ball and the score. When it detects the collision, it removes the object, which happens to be the score. Also, since the ball starts out in the same position as the score (maybe a poor design choice in itself) and hides it, the collision is immediately detected and poof! no more score.

You also have a problem that when the ball detects a collision with the score, it changes direction. It should pass right over it. Finally, your score doesn't update until the ball goes out the bottom and a life is consumed.

I wonder if there are any characteristics that all of the objects that should cause a direction change have in common, like maybe their shape? ;-)

There may be other issues, but that will get you going.

If that answers your question, please click on the check to accept. Let's keep up on forum maintenance. ;-)

  • Thank you very much! I understand what I've done wrong now
    – noggy
    Commented Nov 8, 2015 at 3:37

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