In pset6 specification, in question 5, we have been asked why fgetc has been used instead of fscanf. And i don't understand the benefit of using fgetc. So please explain this.
Also, in pset 6 walkthroughs with Zamyla, in the speller load walkthrough,at around 3:46, she also shows fcanf itself. In that slide, she shows
node* new_node = malloc(sizeof(node));
fscanf(file, "%s", new_node->word);
To practice for this pset, I implemented a linked list and a hash table but I can't seem to understand how to start this pset. Basically I am trying to load into a char array, the words from the dictionary one by one. Whenever i meet a '\n' character it means that the old word is finished and so I try to insert that word into the hash table and then continue reading from dictionary. Am i in the right direction?