The recover program seems to be working almost perfectly, but I think I must be missing the first file, somehow. I get images 000.jpg to 049.jpg, and all of them are openable, but with a few weird things happening:
-The second to last picture, 048.jpg (Hulk homage, I think), has tons of white space after it. This makes me think this should actually be the last picture. I have an idea for how I can get it to not add so much white space, but that's not the big problem.
-049.jpg opens, but it is not really a picture:
-So, this makes me think that the picture I have as 000.jpg (A woman in a black parka in the snow) is actually the second picture in the file, not the first one.
Here's the code:
* recover.c
* Computer Science 50
* Problem Set 4
* Recovers JPEGs from a forensic image.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE* input = fopen("card.raw", "r");
FILE* output;
//Ok, gonna need some variables that persist:
int filecount = 0;
uint8_t block1Check = 0xff;
uint8_t block2Check = 0xd8;
uint8_t block3Check = 0xff;
uint8_t block4CheckLow = 0xe0;
uint8_t block4CheckHigh = 0xef;
uint8_t wholeBlock[512];
bool recovering = false;
while (filecount < 49) //keep looking through the file until I've found all 50 jpegs
//fetch the beginning of the block
fread(&wholeBlock, sizeof(wholeBlock), 1, input);
uint8_t block1 = wholeBlock[0];
uint8_t block2 = wholeBlock[1];
uint8_t block3 = wholeBlock[2];
uint8_t block4 = wholeBlock[3];
//If it's a jpeg signature, get the jpeg, and up the filecount by one
if (block1==block1Check && block2==block2Check && block3==block3Check && ((block4>=block4CheckLow)&&(block4<=block4CheckHigh)))
char filename[3];
sprintf(filename, "%03i.jpg", filecount);
output = fopen(filename, "w");
fwrite(wholeBlock, sizeof(wholeBlock), 1, output);
recovering = true;
char filename[3];
sprintf(filename, "%03i.jpg", filecount);
output = fopen(filename, "w");
fwrite(wholeBlock, sizeof(wholeBlock), 1, output);
recovering = true;
else if(recovering)
fwrite(wholeBlock, sizeof(wholeBlock), 1, output);
//make sure everything is closed
return 0;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.