I've heard you guys rock here, so here's my first question:

My server.c code passes all tests but for one,

:( Requesting hello.php? returns 200, text/html, and correct output
   \ expected output, not an exit code of 0

The server segfaults when I request /hello.php?. I've narrowed it down to a peculiar finding, when I ran valgrind on it and made that request it showed me this:

GET /hello.php? HTTP/1.1
==8442== Invalid read of size 1
==8442==    at 0x4C2E0E2: strlen (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==8442==    by 0x402765: parse (server.c:822)
==8442==    by 0x40191A: main (server.c:189)
==8442==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd

It seems that line is not initialized at this point. When I connect and have the server print the contents of line as it is passed into the parse function, nothing shows up whatever request I make...but the server gives me the cat picture, says Hello Kathleen, etc.

Here's my parse code, let me know what you make of this mess! Much obliged :)

bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query){
    printf("^%s^ line\n", line);

    char* linestr = malloc(sizeof(BYTES) * (strlen(line) + 1));
    strcpy (linestr, line);
    //printf("***%s*&\n", linestr);
    char* first_space = strchr(linestr, ' ') + 1;
    char* next_space = strchr(first_space, ' ');
    //printf("*%s* first_space\n", first_space);
   // printf("$%s$ next_space\n", next_space);
    if ((first_space[0] == ' ') || (next_space[1] == ' ')) {
        return false;
    else {

        //method is 1st token
        char* method = strtok(linestr, " ");

        //make sure method is GET
        if(strcmp(method, "GET") != 0) {
            return false;

        else {    
            //request-line is next token
            char* request_line = strtok (NULL, " ");
            //printf("$%s$ requestline\n", request_line);
            //http version is next token
            char* http_version = strtok (NULL, "\r\n");
            //if request_line is null, strtok found two spaces OR if there's a " in request line, error 400
            if (strchr(request_line, '"') != NULL) {
                return false;
            //requestline must start with /
            else if(request_line[0] != '/') {
                return false;
            //now check http version
            else if (strcmp(http_version, "HTTP/1.1") != 0) {
                return false;
            else {
                //if there's a query present
                if(strchr(request_line, '?') != NULL) {
                    //tokenize query on ?
                    //set absolute path
                    char* absolute_path = strtok(request_line, "?");
                    //printf("(%s) absolutepath with query\n", absolute_path);
                    char* possible_query = strtok(NULL, "?");
                    //printf("$%s$ possiblequery\n", possible_query);

                    //if query has a word after the ?
                    if(strlen(possible_query) > 3) {
                        //abs_path stays the same
                        strcpy(query, possible_query);
                        strcpy(abs_path, absolute_path);
                        return true;
                    //it's not a valid query
                    else {
                        strcpy(abs_path, absolute_path);
                        //abs_path stays the same
                        query[0] = '\0';
                        return true;
                else {
                    //if there's no query
                    strcpy(abs_path, request_line);
                    //printf("$%sabspath with no query\n", abs_path);
                    query[0] = '\0';
                    return true;
                //query scope
            //request line scope
        //method scope
    //multiple space detector    
//fxn def

2 Answers 2


The problem starts here char* possible_query = strtok(NULL, "?");. In the case where request_line is "/hello.php?", strtok will return NULL, because the first call to strtok consumed all of request_line. This line if(strlen(possible_query) > 3) { gives the seg fault 'cause you can't strlen NULL.

I think this printf("^%s^ line\n", line); is showing "confusing" results because of the CRLF terminator of line. Change up your format, like remove " line", since the message is for you and you know you're printing line; you should see different (better) results.

  • Ah!! I need to practice more strtok-fu. That makes so much sense!!!
    – Kathleen
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 19:38

It's OK for strtok() to return NULL if you send it GET /hello.php? HTTP/1.1 -- as long as you immediately check to see whether it returned NULL, and do something sensible if it did. (In this case, there would be a question mark but no query string, so you'd just return the abs_path and discard the ?.)

In pseudocode:

if strtok() does not return NULL
    return query and abs_path
    return abs_path

At no point do you actually need to check if(strlen(possible_query) > 3) and run the risk of possibly dereferencing a NULL pointer.

By the way, if you get this sorted, please click a green check mark. I don't care if you accept my answer or @DinoCoderSaurus's answer -- just don't let your question turn into a ZOMBIE QUESTION.

  • 1
    Great solution! We don't need the ? mark in this case anyway
    – Kathleen
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 20:30
  • Yeah, you never need to keep the question mark for any reason. It's just there to be a special character that is only ever used to delimit a path and a query. It's not allowed in the path, and it's not allowed in the query. So if you find it, you know that everything before it is the path, and everything after it (if there is, indeed, anything after it) is the query. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 20:37

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