When I run speller I get a segmentation fault - I am pretty sure that the error is in this excerpt of my load function. I don't understand why; hashtable is an array of node pointers. Then new_word is also a node pointer. It points towards an unnamed node which has been allocated a space in memory with malloc(). Then the node pointed at by new_word has its word parameter changed with the arrow operator equivalent to (*new_word).word. Then either the hashtable[value] is a null pointer, in which case, the new_word pointer points to NULL and the pointer in hashtable points to new_word, either there already is something in the hashtable[value] and so, with a cursor, we find the first pointer pointing to NULL and set it to point to the new_word. Seems ok to me and yet... I get an error.
node* new_word;
new_word = malloc(sizeof(node));
fscanf(words, "%s", new_word -> word);
hash_value = hashit(new_word -> word);
if (HASHTABLE[hash_value] == NULL){
new_word -> next = NULL;
HASHTABLE[hash_value] = new_word;
else {
node* cursor = HASHTABLE[hash_value];
while(cursor->next != NULL) {
cursor = cursor->next;
new_word->next = NULL;
cursor->next = new_word;
I also included the check function just in case:
bool check(const char* word)
signed int bucket;
bucket = hashit(word);
node* search = HASHTABLE[bucket];
while(search -> next != NULL){
if(strcmp(search -> word, word)) {
return true;
search = search -> next;
return false;
Current code for check:
bool check(const char* word)
char temp[strlen(word)];
for(int j = 0; j < strlen(word); j++){
temp[j] = islower(word[j]);
temp[strlen(word)] = '\0';
signed int bucket;
bucket = hashit(temp);
node* search = HASHTABLE[bucket];
if (HASHTABLE[bucket] == NULL){
return false;
else {
while(search -> next != NULL){
if(strcmp(search -> word, temp) == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
search = search -> next;
return true;