I am stuck at pset6. The first check50 is all green which indicates that my lookup and parse functions is correct.
At the second check50 I have the first 13 green but the last 4 is red. That seems to indicate that only my indexes function is wrong. My webserver also works fine. Any help would be much appreciated.
Here are my codes: Indexes function
char* indexes(const char* path)
// First create a new variable called newpath that gets a / appended to the end if that is missing in path.
char pathend = path[strlen(path)-1];
char* end_pointer = "/";
char* newpath = malloc(strlen(path)+1);
if (pathend != '/')
newpath = strcat(newpath,end_pointer);
DIR* dir;
dir = opendir(newpath);
if (dir == NULL)
// creating a list of files and directories in the directory
struct dirent** namelist = NULL;
int n = scandir(newpath, &namelist, NULL, alphasort);
char* returned_string = malloc(1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// iterate over directory entries looking for index.php
if (strcmp(namelist[i]->d_name, "index.php") == 0)
const char* strphp ="index.php";
returned_string = realloc(returned_string,strlen(newpath) + strlen(strphp)+1 );
returned_string = strcat(newpath, strphp);
//printf("%s", returned_string);
// iterate over directory entries looking for index.html
if (strcmp(namelist[i]->d_name, "index.html") == 0)
const char* strhtml ="index.html";
returned_string = realloc(returned_string, strlen(path) + strlen(strhtml)+1 );
returned_string = strcat(newpath, strhtml);
//printf("%s", returned_string);
return( returned_string);
// if neither index.php or index.html exist in path just return NULL
return NULL;
Load function:
bool load(FILE* file, BYTE** content, size_t* length)
if (file == NULL)
return false;
char* bytearray = malloc(sizeof(BYTE)*1);
int counter = 0;
for (int c = fgetc(file); c != EOF; c = fgetc(file))
bytearray = realloc(bytearray, sizeof(BYTE) * counter + 1);
bytearray[counter] = (char) c;
counter = counter + 1;
*content = bytearray;
*length = counter;
return true;
Lookup function:
const char* lookup(const char* path)
const char chardot = '.';
char *address_dot_pointer;
address_dot_pointer = strrchr(path, chardot); // the last . in the path string is now pointed at by adress_dot_pointer
if(address_dot_pointer == NULL)
return "NULL";
char* css_pointer = ".css";
char* html_pointer = ".html";
char* gif_pointer = ".gif";
char* ico_pointer = ".ico";
char* jpg_pointer = ".jpg";
char* js_pointer = ".js";
char* php_pointer = ".php";
char* png_pointer = ".png";
if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, html_pointer) == 0 )
return "text/html";
else if( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, css_pointer) == 0 )
return "text/css";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, gif_pointer) == 0 )
return "image/gif";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, ico_pointer) == 0 )
return "image/x-icon";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, jpg_pointer) == 0 )
return "image/jpeg";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, js_pointer) == 0 )
return "text/javascript";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, php_pointer) == 0 )
return "text/x-php";
else if ( strcasecmp(address_dot_pointer, png_pointer) == 0 )
return "image/png";
return "NULL";
Parse function:
bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
char quote = '\"';
char* a_questionmark = "?";
char a_space = ' ';
const char* lookuptest;
char method[4];
//memset(method, '\0', 4); // sets the first 4 characters to the null character in method
strncpy (method,line,3); // this strncpy command copies up to 3 characters from line to method
char* get ="GET";
if(! strcmp(method,get) == 0) // if method is not GET
return false;
if(! (line[3] == a_space)) // if the first character after GET is not a space
printf("405 Method Not Allowed");
return false;
char* backslash = "/";
const char* start_of_backslash_in_line ;
start_of_backslash_in_line = strchr(line, '/'); //strchr finds the first occurence of the character '/' in line and returns a pointer
if(! (line[4] == backslash[0]) ) // line = GET request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF , request-target must start with /
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < LimitRequestLine + 1; i++)
if(start_of_backslash_in_line[i] == quote) // if request-target contains a ", respond to the browser with 400 Bad Request and return false;
printf(" 400 Bad Request");
return false;
if( start_of_backslash_in_line[i] == a_questionmark[0] || start_of_backslash_in_line[i] == a_space ) // a space or a ? means
{ // that the absolute path has ended
lookuptest = lookup(abs_path);
if(strcmp (lookuptest,"NULL") == 0)
return false;
abs_path[i] = '\0';
abs_path[i] = start_of_backslash_in_line[i];
char* start_query;
start_query = strchr(line,a_questionmark[0]); //strchr finds the first occurence of "?" in line and returns a pointer to "?" in line
if(start_query == '\0') // if there is no questionmark in line, query becomes equal to null.
query[0] = '\0';
else if(start_query[0] == '?')
if(start_query[1] == ' ')
query[0] = '\0'; // query must also be null if there is only a '?' after absolute path in request target and nothing else
for(int k = 1 ; k < LimitRequestLine+1; k++) // starts at k=1 because start_query[0] is a '?'
if(start_query[k] == a_space)
query[k-1] = '\0';
query[k-1] = start_query[k];
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(query); i++)
if(query[i] == quote)
printf(" 400 Bad Request");
return false;
char* start_of_HTTP;
start_of_HTTP = strchr(start_of_backslash_in_line, a_space); // finds the first occurence of " " in start_of_backslash_in_line
char* HTTP_TYPE;
HTTP_TYPE = " HTTP/1.1"; // beware of the space in front of HTTP/1.1
char* HTTP_string = malloc(9);
strncpy ( HTTP_string ,start_of_HTTP,9);
if( ! strcmp (HTTP_string, HTTP_TYPE) == 0)
return false;
return true;