UPDATE: The issue was resolved thanks to the comment below.
I'm working on the parse() function and seem to have random results with it. So far I wasn't able to launch the Web Server from my IDE as I get 505 or 405 errors. I've used printf() to see what my function actually writes and copies into the strings and some results are confusing - random characters come up here and there and I don't understand where they are coming from. Would be really glad if someone can help me understand what the problem is. Here is the code:
bool parse(const char* line, char* abs_path, char* query)
/* Ensuring that the line structure is consistent with the rule "method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF" */
//Find the first occurrence of a space character. Question: do we need to allocate memory here for the char*?
const char* first_SP = strchr(line, ' ');
if (first_SP == NULL)
return false;
//parse method type from the line. Adding + 1 for \0 terminating character
char method[first_SP - line + 1];
strncpy(method, line, first_SP - line);
method[first_SP - line + 1] = '\0';
//temporary code check
printf("Method: '%s'\n", method);
//remove the first space in line - uses pointer to go to the next pointer location (after the space)
//check if the rest of the line exists
if (strlen(first_SP) < 2)
return false;
//Find the second occurrence of a space character
const char* second_SP = strchr(first_SP, ' ');
if (second_SP == NULL)
return false;
//parse request-target from the line. adding + 1 for \0 terminating character
char rqst_trg[second_SP - first_SP + 1];
strncpy(rqst_trg, first_SP, second_SP - first_SP);
rqst_trg[second_SP - first_SP + 1] = '\0';
//temporary code check
printf("Request: '%s'\n", rqst_trg);
//remove the first space in line
//check if the rest of the line exists
if (strlen(second_SP) < 2)
return false;
//there should be no other spaces until end of line
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(second_SP); i++)
if ( *(second_SP + i) == ' ')
return false;
//Find the end of the line that should be CRLF
const char* end = strstr(second_SP, "\r\n");
if (end == NULL)
return false;
//parse HTTP version from the line. adding + 1 for \0 terminating character
char httpv[end - second_SP + 1];
strncpy(httpv, second_SP, end - second_SP);
httpv[end - second_SP + 1] = '\0';
//temporary code check
printf("Version: '%s'\n", httpv);
//Make sure the method is GET, the only supported method
if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0)
return false;
/* Make sure the request target has a correct syntax */
// request target has to start with '/' (47 in ASCII)
if (rqst_trg[0] != '/')
return false;
//request target cannot contain " character (34 in ASCII)
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(rqst_trg); i++)
if (rqst_trg[i] == '"')
return false;
//Make sure the HTTP version is 1.1, the only supported version
if (strcmp(httpv, "HTTP/1.1") != 0)
return false;
//Find the ? sign if there is a query
const char* question = strchr(rqst_trg, '?');
//pointer to string to copy
//char *cptr;
// if there's no query
if (question == NULL)
//parse absolute path from the request line
strcpy(abs_path, rqst_trg);
//the substring for query is absent, so query should be ""
query[0] = '\0';
abs_path[strlen(abs_path)] = '\0';
//if ? sign exists, but no query is present after it
else if (strlen(question) == 1)
//parse absolute path from the request line without the last ? character
strcpy(abs_path, rqst_trg - 1);
//the substring for query is absent, so query should be ""
query[0] = '\0';
abs_path[strlen(abs_path)] = '\0';
//if the query is present
//parse the part of the request line that relates to the absomute path only, not the query
strncpy(abs_path, rqst_trg, question - rqst_trg);
// parse the query to the query variable without the first ? character
strcpy(query, question + 1);
abs_path[strlen(abs_path)] = '\0';
query[strlen(query)] = '\0';
return true;
The results of my printf() vary and can be as follows:
Method: 'GET'
Request: '/'
Version: 'HTTP/1.16'
Method: 'GET'
Request: '/p'
Version: 'HTTP/1.16'
Method: 'GETr'
Request: '/'
Version: 'HTTP/1.16'
I do not reallocate any memory and use the memory locations passed to the function for abs_path and query and add null terminators to my strings, however, the output doesn't work as expected.