I've finished search and it appears to give the correct JSON output. When I display the map all the markers come up correctly but when I enter a new location or Postal code in the query box nothing happens - no dropdown menu or even "no places found yet" message. I'd love some help here. https://cs50-applebyoz.cs50.io/ My jscript code is:

/* global google */
/* global _ */
* scripts.js
* Computer Science 50
* Problem Set 8
* Global JavaScript.

// Google Map
var map;

// markers for map
var markers = [];

// info window
var info = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

// execute when the DOM is fully loaded
$(function() {

// styles for map
// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling
var styles = [

    // hide Google's labels
        featureType: "all",
        elementType: "labels",
        stylers: [
            {visibility: "off"}

    // hide roads
        featureType: "road",
        elementType: "geometry",
        stylers: [
            {visibility: "off"}


// options for map
// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript       /reference#MapOptions
var options = {
    center: {lat: 42.3770, lng: -71.1256}, // Cambridge, Massachusetts
    disableDefaultUI: true,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
    maxZoom: 14,
    panControl: true,
    styles: styles,
    zoom: 13,
    zoomControl: true

// get DOM node in which map will be instantiated
var canvas = $("#map-canvas").get(0);

// instantiate map
map = new google.maps.Map(canvas, options);

// configure UI once Google Map is idle (i.e., loaded)
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, "idle", configure);


* Adds marker for place to map.
function addMarker(place)
// Add marker
var marker = new MarkerWithLabel({
icon: "http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/pal2/icon31.png",    
position: new google.maps.LatLng(place.latitude, place.longitude),
map: map,
labelContent: place.place_name + ", " + place.admin_name1 
          + ", " + place.postal_code,
labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(20, 0),
labelClass: "label"

// check for marker being clicked
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() 
        geo: place.postal_code

    .done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) 
        // if there is no news, tell user no news
        if (data.length === 0)
            showInfo(marker, "No News.");
        // else if there is news, displays news in unordered list
            // start unordered list
            var ul = "<ul>";    

            // create template
            var template = _.template("<li><a href = '<%- link %>' target = '_blank'><%- title %></a></li>");

            // use template to insert content
            for (var i = 0, n = data.length; i < n; i++)
                ul += template(
                    link: data[i].link,
                    title: data[i].title

            // end unordered list
            ul += "</ul>";  

            // show news
            showInfo(marker, ul);

// add marker to global variable markers

* Configures application.
function configure()
// update UI after map has been dragged
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragend", function() {

// update UI after zoom level changes
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "zoom_changed", function() {

// remove markers whilst dragging
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragstart", function() {

// configure typeahead
// https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js/blob/master/doc/jquery_typeahead.md
    autoselect: true,
    highlight: true,
    minLength: 2
    source: search,
    templates: {
        empty: "no places found yet",
        suggestion: function(data) {
            return "<p>" + data.place_name + ", " + data.admin_name1 + " " + data.postal_code + "</p>"

// re-center map after place is selected from drop-down
$("#q").on("typeahead:selected", function(eventObject, suggestion, name) {

    // ensure coordinates are numbers
    var latitude = (_.isNumber(suggestion.latitude)) ? suggestion.latitude : parseFloat(suggestion.latitude);
    var longitude = (_.isNumber(suggestion.longitude)) ? suggestion.longitude : parseFloat(suggestion.longitude);

    // set map's center
    map.setCenter({lat: latitude, lng: longitude});

    // update UI

// hide info window when text box has focus
$("#q").focus(function(eventData) {

// re-enable ctrl- and right-clicking (and thus Inspect Element) on Google Map
// https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-right-click/hompjdfbfmmmgflfjdlnkohcplmboaeo?hl=en
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(event) {
    event.returnValue = true; 
    event.stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(); 
    event.cancelBubble && event.cancelBubble();
}, true);

// update UI

// give focus to text box

 * Hides info window.
function hideInfo()

* Removes markers from map.
function removeMarkers()
// remove marker from markers
for (var i = 0, n = markers.length; i < n; i++)

// reset length to 0
markers.length = 0;

* Searches database for typeahead's suggestions.
function search(query, cb)
// get places matching query (asynchronously)
var parameters = {
    geo: query
$.getJSON("search.php", parameters)
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

    // call typeahead's callback with search results (i.e., places)
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

    // log error to browser's console

 * Shows info window at marker with content.
function showInfo(marker, content)
// start div
var div = "<div id='info'>";
if (typeof(content) === "undefined")
    // http://www.ajaxload.info/
    div += "<img alt='loading' src='img/ajax-loader.gif'/>";
    div += content;

// end div
div += "</div>";

// set info window's content

// open info window (if not already open)
info.open(map, marker);

* Updates UI's markers.
function update() 
// get map's bounds
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var ne = bounds.getNorthEast();
var sw = bounds.getSouthWest();

// get places within bounds (asynchronously)
var parameters = {
    ne: ne.lat() + "," + ne.lng(),
    q: $("#q").val(),
    sw: sw.lat() + "," + sw.lng()
$.getJSON("update.php", parameters)
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

    // remove old markers from map

    // add new markers to map
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
 .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

     // log error to browser's console

2 Answers 2


Nothing wrong with your scripts.js from what I can see.

Try to clear your browser's cache or something.

If I paste your entire file in place of my scripts.js, your code works.

So maybe your problem is elsewhere?


I tried clearing the cache in Firefox with no improvement. I then tried it in IE and it worked fine. I closed Firefox and restarted and it now works fine there. Go figure! Like every computer helpline operator says: "Have you restarted your computer?!"

Thanks for your help Yuri.

  • Great! Please accept your own answer or my answer to this question, so it can be closed. Otherwise it will forever roam this forum as a Zombie open question! Commented Nov 18, 2016 at 13:18

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