I didn't understand if we had to implement both techniques or just one, but for fun I tried to implement both.
With the LIKE method, I wrote this code:
$geo = $_GET["geo"];
//match with LIKE
function like($p1, $p2)
$temp = CS50::query("SELECT * FROM places WHERE ? LIKE ?", $p1, $p2 . "%");
//if (count($temp) > 1)
return $temp;
//else return false;
$postal = like("postal_code", $geo);
$place = like("place_name1", $geo);
$name = like("admin_name1", $geo);
$code = like("admin_code1", $geo);
if ($postal != false)
$places[] = $postal;
if ($place != false)
$places[] = $place;
if ($name != false)
$places[] = $name;
if ($code != false)
$places[] = $code;
But it doesn't work and I don't know why. I think the problem might be in the function declaration, but I don't know what's wrong and I'd appreciate if someone can explain me the error.
Also, I implemented the MATCH AGAINST method
//match with MATCH AGAINST
$places[] = CS50::query("SELECT * FROM places WHERE MATCH (postal_code, place_name, admin_name1, admin_code1) AGAINST (?)", $geo);
But this code returns an "array of arrays", so when the typeahead plugin tries to read the data it can't. I would also appreciate if someone can point out the error here. Thanks!