what would be the easiest way to use python for calculating the coins with the different quarter, dime, noony, penny ? I've seen some declaration with an array of values ? And waht i've done isn t working because i can't figure out how to order with python to use largest coins ?? Any hints please ??

that the result I get :

~/workspace/pset6/ $ python greedy.py 
Oh Hai ! How much change is owed?

here section of code :

            #convert the input integer in rouded money +
            #convert the dollars in cents
            amount_cents = (round((amount_dollars)*100))

            #while True:
            #loop until there is still change
            if amount_cents > 0:

            # number of coins
                q = (amount_cents/0.25)
                amount_remain_q = (amount_cents-(q*0.25))
                d = (amount_remain_q/0.10)
                amount_remain_d = (amount_remain_q-(d*0.10))
                n = (amount_remain_d/0.05)
                amount_remain_n = (amount_remain_d-(n*0.05))
                p = (amount_remain_n/0.01)

                #number of total coins
                coins = q+d+n+p

1 Answer 1


You've converted the user entry into an integer representing the number of cents. But then, in your loops, you are using 0.25 (which, in this context means a quarter of a cent). Should that be 25 and 10 and 5 and 1? (not decimals?)

  • tks i notice it when i got up this morning
    – Genevie
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 16:11
  • in python, is worth it to convert the amount in cents and in round ?
    – Genevie
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 16:14
  • i mean is there a simplest way to do so ? simpler than in C which was only 4 lines total ?
    – Genevie
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 16:15
  • actually, its works for the integer but not with 0.41 : ~/workspace/pset6/ $ python greedy.py Oh Hai ! How much change is owed? 0.41 1.64
    – Genevie
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 17:14
  • oh i got it! it s about the // vs /. i found it in other post. cs50.stackexchange.com/questions/25591/…
    – Genevie
    Commented Sep 3, 2017 at 17:26

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