I executed the following to return a dict (grouped by stock symbols) of stock symbols, total shares and total value owned.
stocks = db.execute("SELECT buy.stock_code, SUM(buy.value), SUM(buy.shares) FROM buy JOIN users ON users.id = buy.userid GROUP BY buy.stock_code")
return render_template("index.html", stocks=stocks)
Using the following Jinja code left blank spaces where the 'shares' and 'value' variables were inserted:
{% for stock in stocks %}
<td>{{ stock['stock_code'] }}</td>
<td>TODO: Current Price</td>
<td>{{ stock['shares'] }}</td>
<td>{{ stock['value'] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
I used print(stocks) at the command line to see what values were returned for a user who had made 3 purchases of 1, 2 and 4 shares of GOOG.
The values and stocks had added correctly. However, I noticed that where I had used SUM, a closed parenthesis had been added to the returned string e.g. 'value' was being returned as 'value)', 'shares' was being returned as 'shares)'.
[{'stock_code': 'GOOG', 'value)': 8321.74, 'shares)': 7}]
Strangely enough, inputting the parenthesis into the Jinja code makes the page display correctly:
{% for stock in stocks %}
<td>{{ stock['stock_code'] }}</td>
<td>TODO: Current Price</td>
<td>{{ stock['shares)'] }}</td>
<td>{{ stock['value)'] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Removing the SUM function returns the string correctly without the parenthesis (but obviously means the values retrieved are not added and incorrect).
The SUM function seems to be causing this, but am unsure whether it is my syntax or something else I have completely missed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!