While I was trying to solve the greedy less comfortable problem in pset1, I ran into a slight problem on the last loop in my program. Here is my code: (the reason why I have some random print statements inside the loops is because it helps me debug/locate where the problem is)
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
// declare variable amount
float amount;
// tracks the number of coins used
int coins_used = 0;
amount = get_float("Change owed: ");
while (amount < 0);
// print statements used for debugging
while (amount >= 0.25)
amount -= 0.25;
printf("Decreased by 0.25\n");
coins_used += 1;
printf("Amount: %.2f\n", amount);
while (amount >= 0.10)
amount -= 0.10;
printf("Decreased by 0.10\n");
coins_used += 1;
printf("Amount: %.2f\n", amount);
while (amount >= 0.05)
amount -= 0.05;
printf("Decreased by 0.05\n");
coins_used += 1;
printf("Amount: %.2f\n", amount);
while (amount >= 0.01)
amount -= 0.01;
printf("Decreased by 0.01\n");
coins_used += 1;
printf("Amount: %.2f\n", amount);
printf("Final amount: %.2f\n", amount);
printf("Coins used: %i\n", coins_used);
As you can see, every time the program enters a loop, I make it print that it is decreasing the amount of change and adding 1 to the number of coins used just so I can pinpoint which loop was causing the problem. You might think the code is working well right now, and so did I a while ago, but here is the output I got when I tested my code with the input 0.41:
Change owed: 0.41
Decreased by 0.25
Amount: 0.16
Decreased by 0.10
Amount: 0.06
Decreased by 0.05
Amount: 0.01
Final amount: 0.01
Coins used: 3
As you can see, it says the final amount (change) is 0.01, so why did the program not enter the final loop? (The one that says while (amount >= 0.01)…)? I am confused, can someone tell me if they know what's going on?