For Pset6 Sentimental/Credit, my code keeps showing a result of INVALID\n no matter what is passed in. Debug50 is not working in Python, so I was not able to work through the lines one by one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
#Returns company and validity of credit card number
from cs50 import get_int
def main():
#Inputs positive credit card
credit = 0
while credit <= 0:
credit = get_int("Credit card number: ")
#Checks company of credit card
companyname = company(credit)
#Checks validity of credit card
if (validity(credit) == 1):
#Prints company
#Prints invalidity
def validity(x):
#Creates an list of ints to get every second digit doubled
multiplied = []
length = digits(x)
#Gets second-last digit doubled
copy = x // 10
multiplied.append(copy % 10 * 2)
for i in range(length + 1 // 2):
#Gets every second digit doubled
copy /= 100
multiplied.append(copy % 10 * 2)
#Adds the list's digits together
halfsum = 0
for m in range(length + 1 // 2):
l = multiplied[m]
for j in range(digits(multiplied[m])):
k = l % 10
l /= 10
halfsum += k
summed = halfsum
#Adds digits that were not multiplied together
notmult = x % 10
copy = x
for n in range (length):
copy /= 100
notmult += copy % 10
summed += notmult
#Checks if last digit is 0
if summed % 10 == 0:
return 1
return 0
return 0
#Returns company of a credit card number
def company(x):
#Finds length of CC number
length = digits(x)
#Checks if CC is AMEX
if length == 15:
copy = x
while copy >= 100:
copy /= 10
if copy == 34 or copy == 37:
final = "AMEX"
final = "INVALID"
#Checks if CC is VISA
elif length == 13:
copy = x
while copy >= 10:
copy /= 10
if copy == 4:
final = "VISA"
final = "INVALID"
#Checks if CC is MasterCard or VISA
elif length == 16:
copy = x
cop = x
while copy >= 100:
copy /= 10
while (cop >= 10):
cop /= 10
if 51 <= copy <= 55:
final = "MASTERCARD";
elif cop == 4:
final = "VISA"
final = "INVALID"
#Determines invalid if none other is true
final = "INVALID"
#Returns answer
return final
#Returns how many digits there are in a number
def digits(x):
digits = 0
copy = x
#Keeps dividing and counting until number is 0
while copy != 0:
copy /= 10
digits += 1
#Returns 1 if number originally was 0
if x == 0:
digits += 1
#Returns final answer
return digits
if __name__ == "__main__":
Also, thank you Blauelf for the solution!