For Pset6 Python, Vigenere.py does not encrypt any message with any key. It only prints out the given plaintext, not encrypted. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


#Encrypts a message using vigenere's cipher using a user-given key
from cs50 import get_string
from sys import argv

    def main():
    #Ensures proper usage
    if not len(argv) == 2:
        exit("Usage: ./caesar key(purely alphabetical key)")
    #Ensures string is alphabetical
    key = argv[1]
    isalpha = True
    for c in key:
        if key.isalpha == False:
            exit("Usage: ./caesar key(purely alphabetical key)")
    #Gets plaintext from user
    plaintext = get_string("plaintext: ")
    ciphertext = []
    k = 0
    #Encrypts message
    for c in plaintext:
        #Encrypts single letter
        ciphertext.append(encrypt(c, key[k]))
        #Updates which letter of the key is in use
        if c.isalpha:
            k = (k + 1) % len(key)
    #Prints ciphertext
    print("ciphertext: ", end = "")
    for c in ciphertext:
        print(c, end = "")

def encrypt(x, y):
    #Proceeds to encrypt only if char is alphabetical
    if x.isalpha == True:
        isuppur = False
        isupper = False
        #Checks case of plaintext letter
        if x.upper == True:
            isuppur = True
        #Checks case of key letter
        if y.upper == True:
            isupper = True
        numalpha = ord(x)
        alphanum = ord(y)
        #Converts both letters to ints
        if isuppur == True:
            numalpha -= 65
            numalpha -= 97
        if isupper:
            alphanum -= 65
            alphanum -= 97
        #Applies formula to numalpha to change value
        numalpha = (numalpha + alphanum) % 26
        #Changes back to ASCII
        if isuppur == True:
            numalpha += 65
            numalpha += 97
        #Changes back to char format
        z = chr(numalpha)
        return z
    #Returns given char if isalpha returns false
        return x

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 Answer 1


A problem lies in the use of isalpha. It is a string method, therefore the syntax is str.isalpha(), which returns a boolean. When str.isalpha is exectuted, python returns something like this <built-in method isalpha of str object at 0x7f8bb6270688>. You will probably want to review the use of the string method isupper as well.

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