Here I have a user-defined structure "person" that stores two pointers one for the name and one for the phone number.
I create an array people of length 2 of type person.
Each of the elements in people take 16 bytes (8 for each pointer)
When print the addresses of people[0] and people[1] I see that they are correctly 16 bytes apart.
Also, the fields name & number are 8 bytes apart for a given element in the array.
However, wouldn't people[0].name occupy more than 8 bytes of memory since each character (char type) takes 1 byte and people[0].name has 15 characters???
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef char* string;
typedef struct
string name;
string number;
int main(void)
person people[2];
people[0].name = "Brian";
people[0].number= "+1-222-999-1000";
printf("Size of Person: %lu\n",sizeof(person));
printf("Size of People[0]: %lu\n",sizeof(people[0]));
printf("Address of People[0]: %p\n",&people[0]);
printf("Address of People[0].name: %p\n",&people[0].name);
printf("Address of People[0].number: %p\n",&people[0].number);
printf("Address of People[1]: %p\n",&people[1]);
This is what I get when running the program:
Size of Person: 16
Size of People[0]: 16
Address of People[0]: 0x7fff8bd21990
Address of People[0].name: 0x7fff8bd21990
Address of People[0].number: 0x7fff8bd21998
Address of People[1]: 0x7fff8bd219a0