hello so I've been coding blur for a few days and have been running check50 for a while, and I keep getting results that show that the pixel values are just off by a max range of 10. It is really pestering me as I am unsure which part of my code resulted in this inaccuracy, such as the incorrect assignment of a variable type to variables, etc. . Help would be appreciated. The check50 results will be shown in the image below and the code below. Bear with me because it is pretty WET. I added 2 otherfunctions to the blur function to find the height and width of the pixel.
void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width])
RGBTRIPLE cloneimage[height][width];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
cloneimage[i][j] = image[i][j];
int topleft = (- width - 1);
int top = (- width);
int topright = (- width + 1);
int right = 1;
int bottomright = (width + 1);
int bottom = (width);
int bottomleft = (width - 1);
int left = (-1);
int start_position = 1;
int end_position = (height * width);
for (int k = 0; k < height; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < width; l++)
float totalBlue;
float totalRed;
float totalGreen;
float selected = 1.0;
int position = ( (k * width) + (l + 1) );
totalBlue = cloneimage[k][l].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen = cloneimage[k][l].rgbtGreen;
totalRed = cloneimage[k][l].rgbtRed;
//Top left
if ((position + topleft >= start_position) && (position + topleft <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + topleft), width)][findwidth((position + topleft), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + topleft), width)][findwidth((position + topleft), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + topleft), width)][findwidth((position + topleft), width)].rgbtRed;
if ((position + top >= start_position) && (position + top <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + top), width)][findwidth((position + top), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + top), width)][findwidth((position + top), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + top), width)][findwidth((position + top), width)].rgbtRed;
//Top right
if ((position + topright >= start_position) && (position + topright <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + topright), width)][findwidth((position + topright), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + topright), width)][findwidth((position + topright), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + topright), width)][findwidth((position + topright), width)].rgbtRed;
if ((position + right >= start_position) && (position + right <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + right), width)][findwidth((position + right), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + right), width)][findwidth((position + right), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + right), width)][findwidth((position + right), width)].rgbtRed;
//Bottom Right
if ((position + bottomright >= start_position) && (position + bottomright <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomright), width)][findwidth((position + bottomright), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomright), width)][findwidth((position + bottomright), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomright), width)][findwidth((position + bottomright), width)].rgbtRed;
if ((position + bottom >= start_position) && (position + bottom <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottom), width)][findwidth((position + bottom), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottom), width)][findwidth((position + bottom), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottom), width)][findwidth((position + bottom), width)].rgbtRed;
//Bottom Left
if ((position + bottomleft >= start_position) && (position + bottomleft <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomleft), width)][findwidth((position + bottomleft), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomleft), width)][findwidth((position + bottomleft), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + bottomleft), width)][findwidth((position + bottomleft), width)].rgbtRed;
if ((position + left >= start_position) && (position + left <= end_position))
totalBlue += cloneimage[findheight((position + left), width)][findwidth((position + left), width)].rgbtBlue;
totalGreen += cloneimage[findheight((position + left), width)][findwidth((position + left), width)].rgbtGreen;
totalRed += cloneimage[findheight((position + left), width)][findwidth((position + left), width)].rgbtRed;
//Set new averaged colour component values for the subject pixel only; other pixels will get averaged once it's their turn
int blurBlue = round(totalBlue / selected);
int blurGreen = round(totalGreen / selected);
int blurRed = round(totalRed / selected);
if (blurBlue > 255)
blurBlue = 255;
if (blurGreen > 255)
blurGreen = 255;
if (blurRed > 255)
blurRed = 255;
image[k][l].rgbtBlue = blurBlue;
image[k][l].rgbtGreen = blurGreen;
image[k][l].rgbtRed = blurRed;
int findheight(int position, int width)
int h;
if (position % width == 0)
h = (position / width) - 1;
return h;
h = position / width;
return h;
int findwidth(int position, int width)
int w;
if (position % width == 0)
w = (width - 1);
return w;
w = (position % width) - 1;
return w;