MXLinux 21. Latest updates on a state of the art intel machine. Everything else works without problems so far.

I am not always able to check50 or submit50. I have been unable to predict which set of circumstances makes it not work and conversely which set of fiddling around gets it to work. I get this error:

    $ cd einstein
    einstein/ $ check50 cs50/problems/2022/python/einstein

You seem to be missing these required files:
You are currently in: /workspaces/24501504/einstein, did you perhaps intend another directory?

I knew the program worked so then I tried to submit and got this error

    $ ls 
     deep/  einstein/  faces/  indoor/  playback/
$ cd einstein
einstein/ $ submit50 cs50/problems/2022/python/einstein.py
Invalid slug: cs50/problems/2022/python/einstein.py. Did you mean something else?
Submission cancelled.

Sometimes just killing and restarting the terminal works other times it does not. Trying to get it to work is extremely time consuming, taking hours to fix when it only takes me ten minutes to write the code. I don't see anyone else with this problem except one person and his solution did not work (his keystrokes look incorrect anyway). Maybe it only works on a Windows or Mac machine.

Any help from the staff?? I am otherwise enjoying the course but I cannot continue to spend 6 hours a day trying to fix nonfunctional web pages!

  • Are you absolutely sure that you're running check50 from the same directory as the einstein.py file? Remember, Linux is case sensitive on file names too.
    – Cliff B
    Commented Jul 15, 2022 at 22:46
  • I can indeed see what directory you are in, but it doesn't show what files are present in that directory. That's why I asked. Perhaps edit the question and add a ls -al result?
    – Cliff B
    Commented Jul 15, 2022 at 23:55
  • OK. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. You are right. This Github thing has been wonky from day one. In fact it just crashed. So the .py had been stripped from the file name. No software has ever done that so I didn't think to look. I noticed also that "bank" is gone even though I have submitted it. Github is the only downside to this course! which I am loving. THANK YOU!! Next time I'll check that it is plugged in :-) PS when I told it to run einstein.py it did even though the file had no extension.
    – Mikech
    Commented Jul 16, 2022 at 0:05
  • Ummm... you're welcome, i think? Not sure if that was sarcasm, sincerity, or both. ;-) If it makes you feel better, you're not the only one running into stupid....ummm.... stuff. I'm trying to write code on a hosted site. I've been fighting for 3 days now trying to execute an SQL LOAD command. "You don't have permission..." ugh! It should run in 8 seconds. Support keeps saying "It ran fine for us."
    – Cliff B
    Commented Jul 16, 2022 at 5:14
  • Sorry! It was heartfelt and sincere. I have always had difficulty communicating with humans. I am very grateful that kind people like yourself are willing to take the time to help knuckleheads like me!! And I agree with you. Technical support (even when you pay for it) is very often an entry level job at many companies. Its sad when you know more than them! Of course I wrote my first program in machine code and then in assembly language when that became available. But I am NOT a computer professional by any means. But I am seriously old.
    – Mikech
    Commented Jul 17, 2022 at 15:10

1 Answer 1


Cliff B actually answered this question in the comments but I want to take the opportunity to discuss the bugginess of VScode. The answer is that at some point the the VScode interface stripped .py from the file name but the terminal continued to run the program with "python einstein.py" so it never occurred to me that it might be the filename. Not the first time. I already submitted "bank.py" but the file and it's directory are gone! I don't know when it disappeared. The VScode application has crashed numerous times so I have learned to copy my code to my desktop frequently.

I use MX Linux with an enhanced firewall and I log in as a user with minimal privileges if I know that I will be using the Internet. I also have several security extensions on Firefox. So any of these things could be causing VScode to crash and do weird things. Because I really want to take this course, I "trusted" all the tracking and Microsoft scripts in NoScript and Ghostery (something I would never do otherwise). But even so there might still be something about my Firefox setup that is affecting VScode.

P.S. I renamed the file by adding the .py extension and then submitted. It appeared to work; there were no errors. However nothing was submitted, it is not among my submissions and all the code had been stripped from the file. Good thing I was doing backups to my desktop.

PPS I just refreshed the page and tried again and this time everything worked. Time spent on just submitting one short piece of code: 3 hours Time it took to write and debug the code: 10 minutes.

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