MXLinux 21. Latest updates on a state of the art intel machine. Everything else works without problems so far.
I am not always able to check50 or submit50. I have been unable to predict which set of circumstances makes it not work and conversely which set of fiddling around gets it to work. I get this error:
$ cd einstein
einstein/ $ check50 cs50/problems/2022/python/einstein
You seem to be missing these required files:
You are currently in: /workspaces/24501504/einstein, did you perhaps intend another directory?
I knew the program worked so then I tried to submit and got this error
$ ls
deep/ einstein/ faces/ indoor/ playback/
$ cd einstein
einstein/ $ submit50 cs50/problems/2022/python/
Invalid slug: cs50/problems/2022/python/ Did you mean something else?
Submission cancelled.
Sometimes just killing and restarting the terminal works other times it does not. Trying to get it to work is extremely time consuming, taking hours to fix when it only takes me ten minutes to write the code. I don't see anyone else with this problem except one person and his solution did not work (his keystrokes look incorrect anyway). Maybe it only works on a Windows or Mac machine.
Any help from the staff?? I am otherwise enjoying the course but I cannot continue to spend 6 hours a day trying to fix nonfunctional web pages!