I finished my caesar ps but when I check it says that my code is not correct for example the said it didn't encrypt an a to a b if the key is 1 even though when I check it myself I see that the answer is b. The same goes with all the tests, the only one that I get correct are the ones that concerns key checking here's my check to see https://submit.cs50.io/check50/f807b6efad91da9f060f25027311a122096597e7
1 Answer
oh, I guess I found the answer, instead of writing a whole function that returns a char and prints each character in a loop at main (that will cause you to print also the NUL even though you won't see it), instead write everything in main and print the result directly, also in the loop make it stop before you reach the /0 of the plaintext.
cat -v
tip; not necessarily the answer since you did not post any code).