I am now in the pset5 in CS50P in the text_plates exercise besides my plates.py code being correct (I have already did check50 in it), and in pytest all tests were passed, when I do check50 they say:

":) test_plates.py exist

:( correct plates.py passes all test_plates checks

expected exit code 0, not 1

:| test_plates catches plates.py without beginning alphabetical checks

can't check until a frown turns upside down

:| test_plates catches plates.py without length checks

can't check until a frown turns upside down

:| test_plates catches plates.py without checks for number placement

can't check until a frown turns upside down

:| test_plates catches plates.py without checks for zero placement

can't check until a frown turns upside down

:| test_plates catches plates.py without checks for alphanumeric characters

can't check until a frown turns upside down"

It must be my test_plates.py code that i wrong, because I copied one version available in the internet and all check50 tests were passed, can someone help me?

Thank You

  • we can't help you if you dont post your code. its also not clear what your state is, did check50 pass or did it fail, you say both at the same time.. in either event please discard the code you obtained on the internet as that violates the academic honesty policy.
    – UpAndAdam
    Commented Sep 5, 2023 at 13:55

1 Answer 1


I'd suggest to check your plates.py with every possible checks. It might passed Check50. But, later found a bug within my code. So, check manually with all possible inputs.

And go through this reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/cs50/comments/v1ds8w/cs50p_problem_set_5_expected_exit_code_0_not_2/

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