I have been working on this question for some time now, and really got stuck with few input values, and I am unable to understand the actual error/solve the error.
Question: In a file called emojize.py, implement a program that prompts the user for a str in English and then outputs the “emojized” version of that str, converting any codes (or aliases) therein to their corresponding emoji.
My Code:
import emoji
a = str(input("Input: ")).strip()
b = emoji.emojize(a)
Expected Outputs `> python emojize.py
Input: :thumbs_up:
Output: 👍
python emojize.py
Input: :thumbsup:
Output: 👍
python emojize.py
Input: hello, :earth_africa:
Output: hello, 🌍 python emojize.py
Input: hello, :earth_americas:
Output: hello, 🌎
python emojize.py
Input: hello, :earth_asia:
Output: hello, 🌏 `
Expected outputs with errors
- :) emojize.py exists
- :) input of ":1st_place_medal:" yields output of 🥇
- :( input of ":thumbsup:" yields output of 👍 expected "👍", not "Input: Output:..."
- :( input of "hello, :earth_asia:" yields output of hello, 🌏 expected "hello, 🌏", not "Input: Output:..."
- :) input of ":candy: or :ice_cream:?" yields output of 🍬 or 🍨?
The error in point 3 and point 4, is what I am getting, but I am unable to understand what does that mean. So I don't really know how to fix that. Can somebody please help?
According to me I believe there should either be no error, or I should get error for all the inputs. But that's not what's happening here, and I am really unable to understand the error messages.