I recently decided to get my final project from last year online. But I ran into a lot of trouble. Can someone help me? I was using the functions in last year's CS50 finance to connect php to mysql db, but I just cannot get it right. I'm guessing its here that went wrong:

> $handle = new
> PDO("mysql:dbname=coursentnu;host=;port=????", "????", "????");

(I changed port, username, and password to stars for safety) I can't figure out what went wrong. I have a sql db named coursentnu set up. But it just won't work. If I try print_r(query(...));, it's just blank. Please help!

  • Ah! Sorry, I already resolve this question and posted it on Facebook Group CS50. I'll repost the answer below right away.
    – RexYuan
    Commented Jan 15, 2015 at 9:30

1 Answer 1


So the problem, it turns out, is the dots. Somehow having dots (i.d. ".") in that will mess the whole thing up. If you store that IP (in my case, in a variable then use that inside the PDO, it works. Idk exactly why, but it works. Hope someone here can be kind enough to elaborate?

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