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CS50 Pset 2 Substitution - Array size errors

I'm using a for loop to assign chars to each element of an array one at a time. The array has been assigned a size and the for loop runs the same number of iterations as the array size, but I find ...
DavidM's user avatar
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How to find if element is not in an array

Does anyone know of an easy way in C to check if a an element is NOT in a given array? I think it would be fairly easy to determine if an element IS in an array by looping through it and seeing if an ...
Joseph J Filoramo's user avatar
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Why string variable has no square bracket?

Though it's said that string is an array of characters why string variable does not have square brackets on the immediate right? In CS50 we call string as string s why not as string[]? then how can ...
Indhlal Amrith's user avatar
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Pset2: Copying string contents

I just can't seem to get this right. The example in the week 2 short Arrays is as follows: int foo[5]{1,2,3,4,5}; int bar[5] for(j=0;j<5;j++) { bar[j]=foo[j]; } This does not seem to work with ...
contranull's user avatar
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handlign multidimesional arrays as function arguments and return values

So I stuck at the pset3, at the place where you need to implement game of fifteen. How can I pass multidimensional array as an function argument? And how can I return multdimesional array as a ...
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