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cs50 mario MORE comfortable need LOTS OF HELP

so ive been stuck on this problem for a about a week, took lots of note and downloaded the lecture just look back on even took notes for the shorts on week one. now what i clearly need is to be taught ...
ZeiT's user avatar
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Caesar 50 , no output!

I am writing code for caesar but when i am executing the program i am not getting any output and when i try to print integer values instead characters it is giving weird integer values, with this i ...
Bhavik Roopchandani's user avatar
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Array initialilizer must be an intitializer list or string literal

Given this text: include include int main (void) { string text = get_string("Text: "); char num[] = text; } When this is run, it gives the error as stated in the heading of this question ...
ThisIsMe's user avatar
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Why string variable has no square bracket?

Though it's said that string is an array of characters why string variable does not have square brackets on the immediate right? In CS50 we call string as string s why not as string[]? then how can ...
Indhlal Amrith's user avatar
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Limits of data type as explained in Week-1

In week-1 of CS50 course to introduction to computer programming, we are explained about the limitations of data types that are used in computers nowadays and how the computation 1/10 to 50 decimal ...
Arjun599's user avatar
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Cs50 problem set 2 Initials

everyone! I have one problem with code initials. It correctly runs but after check50 I've got some issues , among them- ***\ expected output, but not " \u0000\n"***that I can't fix.Help me,please) #...
НаталяЛагода's user avatar
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PSET4 Resize Wrong Output

I wrote my code for pset4 resize.c (the goal is to resize an image by n) Currently, I have no compilation errors or memory leaks. The problem is the output is wrong: I get resized BMPs that are ...
KhalidMukadam's user avatar
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GDB Breakpoints COnfusion in CS50 IDE

I am trying to make a breakpoint at line 33. WHen I run, the code runs through past line 33, however. Thanks,
KhalidMukadam's user avatar
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A loophole in the registration system of web app

I have been developing a web app which offer registration to the only users who are in our database. our database contains only 3 fields ie. Name | year of enrollment | branch eg. Ashish Patel | 2016 |...
Ashish Patel's user avatar
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CS50 vigenere.c works for lower but not upper case letters

The following is my code, I'm not sure where I went wrong with my code, but when I run it, it seems to work for lower case letters but not uppercase. This isn't the full code, due to academic honesty, ...
EmmaDB's user avatar
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