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Questions tagged [dictionary.h]

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What is the usage of creating DICTIONARY_H in pset5?

I cann't understand when to use the preprocessor directives as (ifndef, define ,etc.)? In dictionary.h, what is the importance of writing those statements? and regarding the reason that was mentioned ...
Aya Othman's user avatar
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PSET5 Unload() recursive sub-function causes 112 bytes to leak - why?

I've already fixed this issue playing around with my code, but I cannot seem to understand why this (former) version of my recursive function leaks 112 bytes (2 nodes). Can anyone please help me ...
user28178's user avatar
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Speller - Where to place struct

Speller pset: I am working on building a trie for the dictionary (load). In order to do so, I know I need to create the struct node. I thought that this was supposed to go in the dictionary.h file ...
Rachel Kelly's user avatar
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Dictionary.h expected identifier

When I try to create my code I get the following errors: ./dictionary.h:26:29: error: expected ';' after top level declarator ./dictionary.h:30:6: error: expected identifier or '(' ./dictionary.h:...
Wasp's user avatar
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pset5 check50 error

I finished pset5 dictionary's implementation, seems working fine in the appliance but after running check50 on it, it shows following error:jharvard@ubuntu:~/Dropbox/pset5$ check50 2014.fall.pset5....
vhatharvard's user avatar
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why do I need dictionary.h?

I am not sure why I need dictionary.h for pset5. I feel like I can define the functions check, load, size, and unload in dictionary.c. dictionary.c is set up so I can define the functions in it ...
Brendan Rafferty's user avatar