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Check50 for find-less in ps3 shows me a './sort' error

I implemented the helpers for sort and search. Using basic implementations of quicksort and binarysearch. When I ran check50 cs50/2017/x/find/less there was a weird error for the sorting part: :) ...
Chris's user avatar
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'int' but the argument has type 'int * problem with sort in helpers.c

I am having a problem with returning the sorted value in the function sorted. I know it has something too do with fun pointers. On a side note, how is a function suppost return something if it's ...
Nova's user avatar
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C : error non-void function search - value (find)

I'm getting error non-void function search should return a value. If I add anything else to last return, such as false 1 or zero, the errors multiply. I've tried moving the indentations as well as ...
Android1's user avatar
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find.c in Pset 3; int straw = get_int(); ./generate 1000 50 | ./find 127; Why I can't see this pseudorandom numbers?

How can I supplement this code printf("\nhaystack[%i] = ", size);that I can see the actual pseudorandom numbers that each i-th[] contain inside itself after haystack[1000] = using this command ./...
Yellowfun's user avatar
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Recursive Binary Search Exit Code Errors

I wrote the following recursive binary search function. No matter which exit codes I use (e.g., true, false, 1, 0, -1, "Swedish Chef"), I fail at least two of the checks I need to pass. The code ...
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