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Flask Sessions Not Working

I'm using VS Code and following along Brian's Flask class in Web50. I have copied his notes program word for word, and somehow I get different results. I've downloaded Flask and Sessions, so that's ...
luk020's user avatar
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Trying to flask run the task session on the CS50 web Lecture DATABASE issue

I had a great time learning about HTML and CSS. Then came this intimidating flask feature. I was able to create a session["username"] to login and logout. I'm trying to use session to create a todo ...
NgKen0995's user avatar
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CS50 Web Development Project 2 Attribute Error: module 'engineio' has no attribute 'WSGIApp'

This is my first time trying to run flask on Linux, I've made projects 0 and 1 in Windows 7. I've been able to run Project 2 on Windows, right before I switched to Linux. As I enter "flask run" on the ...
YuriAFGomes's user avatar