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Check50 PSET9 Finance Failing Throughout

First post here...seems I'm coming unstuck at the pointy end of the course. Hahaha! My code doesn't seem to be passing Check50 through Quotes/Buy/Sell - although the functionality seems to be fine ...
Jumbot's user avatar
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Finance app - object is not subscriptable

I have problems with pset 9 finance. Since days I try to figure out what is wrong with my code for the sell route. I know that there a handfull of similar questions on StackExchange/StackOverflow but ...
Karl's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way in jinja to display a block in a specific page?

I have a layout.html page with a <footer> that I want to display in almost all pages using {% extends "layout.html %}. Only in the user profile page the footer will be different. How can I ...
Kley Halisson's user avatar
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Flask Filter Search/List in Python

I created a country list on the python search page section, the data is sent to the Html table with jinja syntax “ The Html table also has a JavaScript function it functions correctly no help with ...
Matrix's user avatar
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jinja code not working inside html file

I am using flask for the first time and jinja code is being displayed on the webpage. this is my html file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> ...
Pragati Chauhan's user avatar
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Problem with endblock tag in finance. "endblock" tag unknown

{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block title %} Quote {% endblock %} {% block main %} <form action="/quote" method="post"> <div class="form-...
catnamedboo's user avatar
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Serve pure html files without jinja in flask

As I am making my final project I get stuck at some points where I don't wish to use jinja as I wish to have my html file as a whole without extending any layout html file. In flask render_template ...
sk.76's user avatar
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Pset7 Finance, Sell problem with POST requests

My problem is that I'm not getting any value back from my select form. I pass a list of stocks to the jinja template via return render_template("sell.html", stocks=stocks) and on the sell.html page I ...
MVierma's user avatar
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pset 7 [buy] Unable to render user's cash

I've spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem and can't seem to find were I went wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am unable to render the user's cash balance on the index. def ...
Salamit's user avatar
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Pset7, Index: How to use loops in Python and Jinja?

I felt like I could understand the for loops great in c, but seem to be hitting a wall here. Some generic conceptual questions before i get into it: 1) ANSWERED. what sequence does the program run, ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Pset7, Index, why does it not show other stocks i own?

I'm trying to get all stocks to just show up on my index screen, but can't seem to get my head around the jinja template + Python + SQL commands. Can someone tell me why is it that only my last ...
nvs0000's user avatar
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Using jinja to render template based on previous url - pset7 finance

For the finance website homepage, I want to render index.html differently based on the previous url. For example, if I logged in I want to render a panel saying 'logged in', but if I registered I want ...
user34304's user avatar
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cs50 finance / pset-7 confused on index() table

I am trying to work on pset7, but am having a problem printing it out to the screen in the table format. I have all the values I need (the values I have are correct), but just can't figure out how to ...
Chris Koro's user avatar