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Lab 9 - Tuples are not callable

I need some help on Lab 9 - Birthdays. I am having a headache struggling with a non-logical issue... Here is my import os from cs50 import SQL from flask import Flask, flash, jsonify, redirect,...
Guyyom's user avatar
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Lab 9: Birthdays - odd behaviour from delete button

I got Lab 9 up and running per spec and am trying to implement a 'delete' button for each row. My current code works fine to delete each row in the table except for the first row (id = 1). When I ...
danieljmoore3's user avatar
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Lab9 -- Buttons to delete DB entries don't work

Can anyone please tell me why my "Remove Entry" from DB buttons don't work? I included the code below the HTML: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> ...
General Noob's user avatar
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jinja code not working inside html file

I am using flask for the first time and jinja code is being displayed on the webpage. this is my html file: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> ...
Pragati Chauhan's user avatar