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Questions tagged [fopen]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to open multiple files with fopen()

I was wondering if it's possible to dynamically pass through a string into fopen(). E.g. String s = Depends-on-user-input.txt And then is there a way to do Fopen(s, "r"); I've tried to use ...
AliGuler's user avatar
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How does fopen() work with arrays?

For the following code: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[1]) { char *x = argv[1]; char a[5]; char b[5]; FILE *fn = fopen(x, "r"); FILE *fp; for(int i = ...
Tejesh Atr's user avatar
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PSET4: fgets returns odd characters instead of what's in .raw

I know the first few lines of 'card.raw' are (by opening in a texteditor): ˇÿˇ‡JFIFHHˇ€Cˇ€Cˇ¿Vˇƒ Currently all I want the app to do is print back what's in the .raw file, and then ...
James Goldstein's user avatar
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Pset5, speller 'could not open text'

So I wrote my load function and everything looks good, so I had it return true so I could move on and test other parts of the program. My problem is that speller.c won't load my text. I made a custom ...
Andy Nonomous's user avatar
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In recover.c, how do you name each image file a seperate name?

Is this even necessary? Will the computer automatically name each file? Or will it use the name designated in fopen()?
noggy's user avatar
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