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Questions tagged [fscanf]

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cs50 pset5 not enough memory

I have been stuck here for several days. After loading 52209 words, I keep encountering Segmentation fault (core dumped). I think that I am consuming memory unnecessarily somewhere in the code, but I ...
Ahmed Hesham's user avatar
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Why is fscanf giving me an undefinedbehavioursanitiser error?

my code looks like int main(void) { char word[45]; FILE *dictionary = fopen("dictionary/small", "r"); fscanf(dictionary, "%10s", word); fclose(dictionary); } Inside of ...
Ryan Hinchliffe's user avatar
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PSET5 speller (load) - fscanf function error

When I used the fscanf function in the while loop i get the error; "use of undeclared identifier "word". Heres my while loop: while(fscanf(fpt, "%s", word)!= EOF) So first I declared my "word" ...
L.D's user avatar
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Incorrect counting from fscanf?

Prepping for PSET6 and trying to just load some ints from a file which has 100,000 integers. Easy to check and see for yourself (100K lines, all ints, all separated by a \n). I'm running fscanf and ...
borker's user avatar
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PSET5 Question about pointers

I had a question for dictionary.c. First, I'm still confused at why load and check imput is const char*. I understand that const char* means that the value that char* points to will never change and ...
Bobby's user avatar
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pset5 not loading, why fscanf is not working

Post before suggests that there was some problem with I malloc dict_word now. However, it still is not loading regarding to vangrid. Coud you possibly share your thoughts?
Ichi's user avatar
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Implemention of fscanf and feof

I am working now on pset5, trying to degrade each task into pieces. So now, I have written some code that just reads words from a file I have created, it then prints each word it read. The problem is ...
Mohamed Ahmed's user avatar