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Why aree these being counted as undeclared identifiers when I clearly declared them?

Basically, I understand all the basics for up to lecture 2 of the CS50 course (at least I think so) but I never really fully grasped what 'return' does so I was just sort of playing around with it. I ...
MuTE's user avatar
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Not sure where this file exists? Week 1 Lecture 1 - C what do I do so I can run the code from 1:07?

Trying the run the code for addition. He started the screen share with a blank so I did too with only the ~ directory with only hello and hello.c. I created a new file as he did named Untitled1 but ...
Nikki's user avatar
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3 answers

Lecture question from lecture 1 (cs50AI)

In lecture 1(knowledge), Brian gives an example from Harry Potter and concludes that it did not rain that day. My question is that it's never mentioned in the example that rain causes Harry to not ...
Pranjal Kumar's user avatar
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Lecture 1 [Week1] int.c and ints.c

Can anyone please explain me the following: 1. First Example: int i = get_int ("Integer:"); printf ("hello,%i"\n", i); In this example near the % operator we use the declared variable "i". The "...
Lara Corika's user avatar
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Where can I download "src1m" folder of files used in week 1 lecture?

I want to download and run the files David used in the week 1 lecture, the folder's titled 'src1m'.
Hakeem Ajibolu's user avatar
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2 answers

Understanding the differences between the recursion examples from the week 4 lecture 1

When David was taking about these two codes: int sigma(int m) { if (m <= 0) return 0; else return (m + sigma(m - 1)); } and int sigma(int m) { return (m + sigma(m - 1)); } I ...
Yinzhou Zhu's user avatar