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CS50 pset5 Memory Leak (trie structure)

So I've written the functions for pset5 using a trie and it seems to work fine. It gives the same number of misspelled words etc. as the cs50 one, but it seems that there are some memory leak problems....
Sean Li's user avatar
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Pset5 unload trie 244 bytes lost

So, I'm finishing up pset5 and I'm now just trying to make sure theres no memory leaks. Unfortunaly there are 244 bytes being lost and I'm not sure why they're being lost. This is my free code: bool ...
Kypore's user avatar
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pset5 memory leak while using a Trie

I have implemented the different functions of this pset and I use a trie datastructure. However I run into several problems when I run the program. The output seems to be correct, but check50 says for ...
Max's user avatar
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