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Questions tagged [movies]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What's wrong in this query?

Why this query outputs just 61 rows instead of more than 185? I 'm trying to do 13.sql SELECT name FROM people WHERE id = (SELECT person_id FROM STARS JOIN people ON = stars.person_id WHERE ...
Mohamed Hassan's user avatar
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Pset7 Movies Q12: I don't get what's wrong

I can't figure out why my pset7 movies Q12 code isn't working. Can anyone tell me why? Here is my code: SELECT DISTINCT title FROM movies, stars, people WHERE movie_id IN (SELECT movie_id FROM stars ...
Miguel's user avatar
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pset7 Q7: How many actors are named "Meryl"?

I am at a complete loss for something that should be very simple to find in SQLite. In the IMDB database, I have to find how many actors have the name 'Meryl', I have tried select name, count(name) ...
StimpakNeeded's user avatar