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Questions tagged [nltk]

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check50 error with CS50AI pset6 parser task

I got this error below. when I try to do check50 for pset6 Parser task. It looks, that ntlk library needs an update (see the full error log in the bottom), I have updated it in my to run ...
Pavel Malyshev's user avatar
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:( np_chunk finds noun phrases that don't contain other noun phrases

check50 keep showing that there is a problem even though when I checked it with all 10 sentences it work. It expected the outcome: {'holmes', 'the home'} but my output shows: {'the armchair in the ...
ATLAS's user avatar
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CS50AI - Parser :( np_chunk finds noun phrases that don't contain other noun phrases

check50 keeps showing that there's a problem with my code ":( np_chunk finds noun phrases that don't contain other noun phrases", but I can't see what I am doing wrong. Please help me check ...
Eva Chen's user avatar
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Confused by NLTK

I'm a little unsure of what's going on with the syntax when using the NLTK to tokenize strings. In the tips for the pset this code is shown initially: nltk.tokenize.casual.TweetTokenizer Then they ...
rover11235's user avatar
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Smile/Analyzer always return 0

I've been on this for a while and can't figure out the mistakes. Please correct me if i am mistaken. On running the code, the returned value is always 0. (2) When I use the 'startwith' function i'm ...
Syed Hasan's user avatar